Emergencies and Evacuation

Emergencies and Evacuation


DDOT is the lead agency for all regional and federal emergency transportation coordination and activities that impact the District of Columbia.

DDOT shall balance and mitigate security requirements against the daily mobility, efficiency, and quality of life concerns of District residents and visitors, and the potential for negative economic, environmental, and historic impacts.

DDOT shall work closely with federal agencies to find alternative security solutions and to avoid street closings to the greatest possible extent. Trade-offs associated with potential street closures or changes to transportation access must be adequately assessed.

DDOT shall provide alternative routes and modes of travel ("redundancies") across the District to promote the security of District residents and visitors and reduce the effects of non-routine incidents.

Procedures & Services

Energy Savings Initiatives - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Greater Washington Event and Evacuation Routes 

Snow Emergency Routes Map 

Transportation Tips During An Emergency Incident

See Related

Additional Information

Legal References

Design Standards & Specifications

  • n/a

Transportation Plans & Studies

  • n/a

Other Resources