Transportation Planning
James Graham (Deactivated)
DDOT shall develop and update the Intermodal State Transportation Plan, corridor management plans, and other traffic studies on a regular basis, focusing on the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and information; conduct planning studies on the condition and quality of the District's transportation system to locate areas where future investment is required; develop alternative methods of financing transportation projects and services to achieve financial self-sufficiency; and develop and update the District's various transportation improvement plans, consistent with federal and local requirements. (DDOT Establishment Act, D.C. Code §50-921.04)
Procedures & Services
CTR Guidelines
See Related
Page:Transportation Planning Board (TPB) (Compendium)
Page:Transportation Planning (Compendium)
Page:Transportation Demand Management (TDM) (Compendium)
Page:Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) (Compendium)
Page:moveDC (Compendium)
Page:goDCgo (Compendium)
Additional Information
Legal References
- DC Comprehensive Plan – Transportation Element (DCMR/Office of Planning)
Design Standards & Specifications
- n/a
Transportation Plans & Studies
- DC Comprehensive Plan – Transportation Element (DCMR/Office of Planning)
- Performance Measures Toolbox
- Post-Construction Analysis Report
- Post-Constructon Data Collection Report
- Post-Construction Executive Summary
- Pre-Construction Evaluation Report
Other Resources
DDOT shall develop and update the Intermodal State Transportation Plan, corridor management plans, and other traffic studies on a regular basis, focusing on the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and information; conduct planning studies on the condition and quality of the District's transportation system to locate areas where future investment is required; develop alternative methods of financing transportation projects and services to achieve financial self-sufficiency; and develop and update the District's various transportation improvement plans, consistent with federal and local requirements. (DDOT Establishment Act, D.C. Code §50-921.04)
Procedures & Services
See Related
Page:Transportation Planning Board (TPB) (Compendium)
Page:Transportation Planning (Compendium)
Page:Transportation Demand Management (TDM) (Compendium)
Page:Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) (Compendium)
Page:moveDC (Compendium)
Page:goDCgo (Compendium)
Additional Information