Temporary Parking Restrictions

Temporary Parking Restrictions


In limited circumstances, DDOT may approve public space permits for the restricted and temporary use of street parking, curbside space, or other public rights-of-way, such as the placement of moving containers or funeral parking.

Procedures & Services

Regarding the application for a Temporary Occupancy Permit:

  • Companies, homeowners, tenants, and others can apply, via the Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPS), for a temporary occupancy permit required for the short term private use of public space in the District.
  • The permit authorizes the temporary occupancy of public space, such as lengths of metered or non-metered parking lane, travel lane, sidewalk, alley, or an intersection for an approved number of days.
  • If parking needs to be reserved or prohibited, either Reserved Parking or Emergency No Parking signs must be printed from the TOPS system after the permit is approved, paid for and issued.
  • A permit can be printed from any place, but the sign printing is available only at DDOT Kiosks or at the permit office.
  • Many of the Temporary Occupancy Permits require an office review and it is best to allow adequate lead time for the review and approval of your application. 
  • Signs must be posted 72 hours in advance in residential areas without metered parking and at least 24 hours in advance at metered parking spaces in commercial areas. 
  • All signs must be removed immediately upon completion of work.

Reserved Parking

Reserved parking allows vehicle parking in up to 4 curbside parking spaces for up to 16 hours. These permits are perfect for reserving curb space for a Wedding, Funeral, Family Event, or other non-recurring event.

Emergency No Parking

Emergency no parking signs prohibit vehicle parking. Permits which require Emergency No Parking signs include Construction Staging Area and Roll off Debris container permits.

Moving Containers in Public Space FAQ

Moving Trucks in Public Space FAQ

Reserve Parking for a Funeral FAQ

Sign Verification Procedures

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