Residential Parking Permits (RPP)
Former user (Deleted)
DDOT shall ensure that the guiding priority for parking and curbside management in residential areas in the District of Columbia is the benefit of neighborhood residents.
DDOT jointly administers the Residential Permit Parking Program (RPP) with the Department of Public Works (DPW) and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The purpose of the RPP program is to regulate commuter use of the curbspace in residential areas and to ensure neighborhood stability.
Procedures & Services
FAQ: What is a Residential Permit Parking zone?
A residential permit parking zone includes all individual blocks incorporated into the RPP program within a specific Ward.
FAQ: What is considered an eligible block to be in the RPP program?
Eligible blocks are blocks abutting residential, recreational, and parkland properties. Mixed use residential blocks can be partially incorporated into the RPP zone as well.
In addition, non-residential blocks abutting RPP blocks, blocks within 5 blocks of major traffic generators (commercial districts or a public or private facility accommodating 500+ persons), and blocks with less than 20% free curbspace for residential parking can be considered into the RPP program.
FAQ: How can a block be incorporated into, or removed from, the RPP program?
RPP can be initiated on, or removed from, the block by the Director or by resident petition.
The Director can additionally modify the times, days, criteria for, and exceptions to RPP restrictions.
Residents petitioning for RPP (or to change the times for RPP enforcement) must seek approval from 51% of households on the block (1 adult signature per household). Additionally, the Director may initiate a 15 day ballot process in addition to the petition.
Petition for Residential Parking Permit
Application for Individuals with Mobility Impairments
FAQ: What is considered to incorporate an eligible block into the RPP program?
In considering a block to be incorporated into the RPP program, DDOT considers:
- Local/Metropolitan air quality plans;
- Potential to reduce vehicle miles traveled in the District;
- Relief to congestion, illegal parking, health and safety hazard;
- Proximity of public transportation to the block;
- Resident support;
- Religious, health, business, or education purposes needing parking longer than two hours;
- Parking occupancy (70% of on-street parking occupied; 10% of on-street parking occupied by non-residents);
- Blocks not impacted by commuter vehicles, but surrounded by RPP blocks; and
- Blocks that are within a performance parking zone.
FAQ: How is the public notified of blocks incorporated into, or removed from, the RPP program?
If a block is being removed from the RPP program, all impacted households and the corresponding ANC will be notified by written correspondence within 30 days. All changes to the RPP program are published quarterly (every 90 days) in the DC Register, and transmitted to the District Council.
FAQ: When is Residential Permit Parking enforced?
Except on certain blocks modified by petition, RPP is enforced:
- 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday – Saturday, except holidays, in Historic Georgetown
- 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM Monday – Friday, except holidays, on the 2800 block of 30th Street NE and the 2900 and 3000 block of Yost Place NE
- 7:00 AM – 8:30 PM Monday – Friday, except holidays, throughout the rest of the District
Additionally, certain sides of the street are designated as 'Resident Only' RPP parking. These areas are enforced during the same times as the other side of the street.
Regarding the prevailing RPP restrictions on the block, be cognizant of the RPP signs, which should display the times, days, location, and residential permit parking conditions.
FAQ: Who is eligible for a RPP permit?
Residents with a motor vehicle within the following areas are eligible for a RPP permit:
- Residents residing on a RPP block;
- Residents residing in ANC 1A, 1B, or 1C, regardless of being on a RPP block; and
- Residents residing on a private street in the District.
FAQ: Who is not eligible for a RPP permit?
Residents trying to register a bus, commercial vehicle, or sightseeing vehicle for a RPP permit are not eligible. Additionally, students with reciprocity permits living near Georgetown University (ANCs 2E, 3D06, and 3D09) or George Washington University (ANC 2A) are not eligible.
FAQ: How much is a RPP permit and where can I get one?
RPP permits are $35 ($25 for persons 65+ years of age) per year. RPP permits can be obtained with one's vehicle registration at the DMV.
FAQ: Does a RPP permit reserve a space for me in the RPP zone?
The RPP permit provides permission to park in a RPP zone, but does not guarantee a space.
FAQ: I don't have a RPP sticker or my RPP sticker doesn't match the zone. How long can I park in an RPP zone?
Except for the side of the street designated as 'Resident Only' on certain blocks and visitors with Visitor Parking Passes or Visitor Permits, non-residents can park in a RPP zone for no more than two (2) hours. Non-residents can be ticketed every two (2) hours they overstay parking in the RPP zone. Non-residents with a valid disability placard or vehicle tags are exempt from the two (2) hour time limit.
A non-resident is any person not residing in the RPP zone (ward).
FAQ: There is no more RPP parking on my block. Is there anywhere else I can park near my home?
For RPP permit holders, there are certain prohibited parking areas one can park at, from 9:00 PM – 7:30 AM unless otherwise stated below:
- Loading zones except hotel loading zones
- Building entrance zones except hospitals
- 25 feet from the intersection at all times
- Within one block of RPP boundaries at all times
For a more in-depth explanation with visual, please consult the RPP Parking in Prohibited Areas presentation.
FAQ: What is the Parking Prohibition Moratorium in Residential Areas?
- RPP Parking in Prohibited Areas presentation.
FAQ: What does the RPP permit display and where do I place it?
The RPP permit displays the license plate, zone number, and expiration date. The permit is displayed on the driver side of the windshield.
Residents may receive more information on RPP program, or report a violation of RPP via 311 Online
See Related
Page:Visitor Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Valet Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Bicycle Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Curbside Management Study (COMP0316)
Page:Electric Vehicles (COMP0316)
Page:Diplomat and Embassy Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Driveways (COMP0316)
Page:Enforcement (COMP0316)
Page:Parking for Persons With Disabilities (COMP0316)
Page:Parking Prohibitions and Restrictions (COMP0316)
Page:Performance Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Parking Meters (COMP0316)
Page:Public Parking (COMP0316)
Page:Residential Parking Permits (RPP) (COMP0316)
Page:Temporary Parking Restrictions (COMP0316)
Additional Information
Legal References
- DCMR 18-2411: Residential Permit Parking
- DCMR 18-2412: Establishment and Approval of Residential Permit Parking Areas
- DCMR 18-2413: Issuance of Residential Parking Permits
- DCMR 18-2415: Fees for Stickers or Permits
- Residential Permit Parking Regulation of 1974
- Residential Permit Parking Regulation Amendment Act of 1984
- Motor Vehicle Parking Regulation Amendment Act of 1999
- Motor Vehicle Residential Parking Regulation Amendment Act of 2000
- Residential Permit Parking Area Amendment Act of 2002
- Parking Enhancement Amendment Act of 2006
- Residential Parking Protection Pilot Act of 2010
Design Standards & Specifications
- n/a
Transportation Plans & Studies
Other Resources
File | Modified | |
PDF File DDOT Parking_final fillable.pdf |
16 Mar, 2022 by Former user | |
16 Mar, 2022 by Former user |