Bus Routes and Stops


Bus stops are critical elements in the District of Columbia's provision of a safe, timely, and convenient transit system. While the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) determines the location of bus stops, DDOT shall coordinate with WMATA and review and revise bus routes and stops within the District's transportation system. (DDOT Establishment Act, D.C. Code §50-921.04).

Procedures & Services

DDOT will accept requests for new bus stops, bus stop removals, bus stop relocations, and other bus stop improvement requests at stops within the District.

Bus Stop FAQs, Bus Stop Change Request Criteria, and Bus Stop Change Request Form 


See Related

Additional Information

Legal References

Design Standards & Specifications

Transportation Plans & Studies

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Other Resources

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  File Modified

PDF File Bus Stop Change Request Criteria (1).pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Bus Stop Change Request Form.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Bus Stop FAQs.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user