

According to the District Department of Transportation Policy Compendium Act of 2012 (District Law 19-168):

  • On or before September 30, 2013, the District Department of Transportation shall prepare a policy compendium listing all of the agency’s policies and procedures that affect the management of the transportation network and public space…
  • The District Department of Transportation shall make the policy compendium available online…

The DDOT Compendium is an online reference that provides comprehensive information about all of DDOT’s policies, procedures, and services. The Compendium contains a variety of materials - ranging from regulations, to federal legislation, to transportation studies, to FAQs. It is organized alphabetically, by subject, and contains summary pages that provide links to all related documents and references.

The Compendium complements the innovative online resources already provided by DDOT and the District government, such as DDOT's website (www.ddot.dc.gov) for current department news and projects, DDOT's Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPS) for processing public space applications and permits, and 311 Online for accessing city service requests.

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