Pedestrian Access and Safety


DDOT works to make walking and pedestrian activity an accessible and safe mode of travel throughout all parts of the District's transportation network and public space.

District of Columbia Pedestrian Master Plan 

DDOT shall incorporate transportation safety features in the development, design, and construction of pedestrian programs. (DDOT Establishment Act, D.C. Code § 50-921.01, § 50-921.04).

Procedures & Services

HAWK Pedestrian Signal Guide 

Quick Pedestrian / Bicycle Crash Site Visit Checklist

Pedestrian Access & Safety in Work Zones

As DDOT regulates the temporary occupancy of public space during construction, it shall ensure that the routing of pedestrians and other vehicles around a work zone is safe, and that traffic control plans submitted with construction permits replicate the existing pedestrian pathways as practically as possible. 

Pedestrian Safety and Work Zone Standards: Covered and Open Walkways

See Related

  File Modified

PDF File Active Transportation Crash Site Visit.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Guidelines on Vehicular and Pedestrian Interval Calculation.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Hawk Pedestrian Signal Guide.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Pedestrian Master Plan.pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user

PDF File Pedestrian Safety and Work Zone Standards - Covered and Open Walkways (1).pdf

16 Mar, 2022 by Former user