


As DDOT is charged with developing streetscape standards for the District's transportation system and public space, DDOT shall:

  • improve the appearance and vitality of street and sidewalk space, and balance security and aesthetic considerations in public realm design.
  • improve the appearance and identity of the District's streets through the design of street lights, paved surfaces, landscaping areas, bus shelters, street "furniture", and adjacent building facades;
  • use variations in lighting and landscaping to highlight and clarify the function of different streets, making the circulation system easier to navigate and understand for residents and visitors; and
  • ensure that the design of public space facilitates connections between different modes of travel, including walking, public transit, bicycling, and driving.

Procedures & Services

Anyone who wishes to install any fixture or other street furniture in public space(such as a bench or bicycle rack) must obtain a public space permit from DDOT. All public space permit applications are processed through DDOT's Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPS).

Bike Rack, Bench, or Other Street Furniture FAQ

See Related

Additional Information

  File Modified

PDF File Bicycle Racks and Other Street Furniture FAQs.pdf

25 Feb, 2022 by Former user