Federal Jurisdiction

Federal Jurisdiction


The federal government owns and exercises jurisdiction over a significant amount of land and adjacent roadways in the District of Columbia, such as federal office buildings, monuments, museums, and national parks. 

To the earliest extent possible, any transportation project that impacts federally owned land or street or requires a review by a federal agency, DDOT shall coordinate with the appropriate federal agency. The number of federal and local agencies that need to be involved in each project and the level of their involvement will vary by project. 

Procedures & Services

The most common instance of federal agency coordination involves environmental reviews of DDOT transportation projects.

The National Mall

The National Park Service (NPS) has regulatory authority over the National Mall and each of its cross street sidewalks. (D.C. Code § 10-104(a), 138).

The U.S. Capitol

The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) has regulatory authority over the U.S. Capitol and the adjacent property and roadways.

National Park Jurisdiction Memo 

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