Retiring overlaps in RCE

Retiring overlaps in RCE

Step-by-step guide

Go to Lanes RCE:

  1. http://ddotgisapp02/DDOTLRS/?config=lane_event_config.json , log in with secure username/pw.
  2. Click the Review ribbon on the toolbar, and select Check Events
    1. Select the Route ID.
    2. Select the desired event layer to check for overlaps.
    3. Check on Detect Overlaps

  3. To retire an event overlap, click the Edit ribbon on the toolbar and select Rectangle
    1. In the layer drop-down, select the event which will be edited.
    2. Select a route using the Rectangle tool

    3. An attribute table will appear after selecting a route with the existing events along that selection.
    4. Select the overlapping event that needs to be retired (the row will highlight).
    5. Double-click the ToDate field (should be Null), and select today's date. Click away from the field to allow for the date to populate in the ToDate field.
    6. Click the Save button and leave the default options as is. Click OK to retire the event.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.