Entering Restrictions into Restriction Manager

Entering Restrictions into Restriction Manager

You will need these step by step instructions when entering in restrictions into the Restriction Manager.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the 'Road Closures and Permits 2' map with ArcGIS online.
  2. Open Restriction Manager in a separate window.
  3. In the Occupancy Permits layer, change the filter so that the "EffectiveDate is after" and "EffectiveDate is before" values reflect the dates of your choosing. I personally do today's date until a week from now.
  4. Apply the filter and Save changes to the map.
  5. Open the Occupancy Permits table and go into the Show/Hide Columns menu.
  6. Deselect all columns except the following:

    Column NameValue


    Construction Staging Area








    9/18/2018, 2:56 PM


    10/1/2018, 12:00 AM


    10/31/2018, 12:00 AM





  7. In Restriction Manager, go into the Map tab and click Add New near the bottom left of the window.
  8. For the Start Date and Expected End Date, fill in the EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate values.
  9. Fill in the Ward field with the Ward value in the Occupancy Permits table.
  10. Select DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA for the county and Washington for the City.
  11. For the Road Name, enter the street name from the WorkLocationFullAddress value. Example: Virginia Ave SE
  12. In Description, enter the EventTypeDescription above, unless there is an OtherEventType, in which case you should enter the OtherEventType.

  13. Change “Type” to Closure.

  14. In Notes, add the PermitNumber, and the ConstructionPermitNumber (if there is one), separated by a comma and a space.

  15. Click on the point on ArcGIS Online, and see how many lanes the restriction is occupying, if any. If it is occupying all of the lanes on that street, change Severity to Restricted. If it is only partially occupying that street, change Severity to Warning.

  16. Change Feature to whatever type it is. Usually between Construction and Event.

  17. Change Route Type to DC Route.

  18. Click Update.

  19. At the right side of the screen in Restriction Manager, under Add Geometry, select which type best fits the event you are entering. In this example, you would add a From and To address to form a line:

    1. 200 Virginia Ave SE
    2. 299 Virginia Ave SE
  20. Click Get Selection.
  21. Ensure the line/point was created in the right spot. If not, move it around until it is right and press Get Selection again.
  22. Click Close.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.