2021-11-02 Meeting notes
2021-11-02 Meeting notes
Melissa Anderson
Discussion items
- VZ recruitment: one candidate sent. Have only gotten 4 applicants for the analytical role, none for the communications role. Might need to make another push for January start.
- Communications has regularly been one of the harder areas for us to recruit
- How are people finding internships?
- Word of mouth from prior/current interns
- University internship portal
- What is the actual end date for the current interns? Melissa thinks 12/31/21 but will confirm funding
- Need to talk to managers about spring continuations
- Set up an intern program brainstorm about program design overall - identify issues, opportunities, work to better integrate tracking, etc.
- Start preparing for summer call for internships (brownbags in Dec and/or Jan)
Program Administration
- Progress on the new contract - will keep an eye on timing to ensure spring tasks can get into place.
- Need to start thinking about spring/summer internship tasks - need tasks in place by
- Weekly meeting with Carol Gaskin is going well
- STI - Can we find someone to coordinate as lead? Recheck if we can apply for funds in one year to use in another.
- Lead ideas: EID, ASD recruiting, ASD L&D, Community Engagement - convene meeting to introduce/discuss?
- Need update on Tax Revenue and Telecommuting
Action items
- Dr. Arhin to provide list of which professors he's sent the VZ postings to, so Stephanie can check if she has other local contacts to try. (e.g. Ralph Buehler at VT)
- Melissa will confirm funding availability and intern end dates
- kathleen.crabb talk to managers about interest in spring continuations for current interns
- Stephanie Dock (Unlicensed) check that we link to the internships from our website and ask PIO to promote + reach out to our community engagement division to see if their networks would have candidates for comms role (and see if Linda has already done so)
- Set up a meeting on intern program design by Stephanie Dock (Unlicensed) kathleen.crabb
, multiple selections available,
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