Plan: DDOTGIS Oracle to SQL Server
Plan: DDOTGIS Oracle to SQL Server
- Ramakrishna Nimmagadda (Unlicensed)
- Frank Wang
- Josh Lay
- Matt Crossett
- Mario Field
- Matt Sokol
- Tim Koonce
- New GIS DB:
- Machine: DDOTSQLGIS01
- IP address:
- Port: 1433
- List of Data To Migrate: https://dcgovict-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/jgraham_ddot_dc_gov/EWzoXIDaADJIszsi3t-rAi8Bq6vyiPodki5HUqysvKI34A?e=pUa6U2
- List of steps:
- Migration Date possibilities:
- OCTO needs to do firewall routing request (Mario & Frank)
- OCTO send over list of MXDs (Josh)
- DDOT will take MXDs list and repoint to proper source
- DDOT will send back MXDs to OCTO
- DDOT will send list of services that can be retired
- OCTO will publish to dev/staging
- DDOT will check/test services on dev/staging
- Notify DDOT Users
- Send users wiki/info page.
- Day of Migration/switch-over:
- OCTO disables map services
- DDOT stops access to DDOTGIS Oracle DB (for all non-admin users)
- DDOT Copies latest records over to new prod
- DDOT Notifies all-good to OCTO
- OCTO will publish new connections to prod map services
- DDOT will check services
- OCTO ETLs need to be repointed to DDOTSQLGIS01
- OCTO needs to publish Open Data datasets
- OCTO needs to retire unmigrated/retired datasets (see spreadsheet linked above)
- Migration Date possibilities:
, multiple selections available,