This page includes notes, observations, and questions regarding setting up GeoCortex.
Bold = activate questions
Third Call
- Ask about Routing. Can we set up a user to follow a predetermined route?
- Can we set up a link to users CW Inbox in "I want to...?"
Second Call
- Grab asset, update it, associate to roadway - Need to set up Sl Feature service copy - Faisal set up non secure service and it's working.
- How to add new features to a feature class(assets) - Need to set up Sl Feature service copy - Faisal set up non secure service and it's working.
- How to edit existing features in a feature class (streetlights, trees, meters, etc.) - Need to set up Sl Feature service copy - Faisal set up non secure service and it's working.
- How do we retire assets instead of deleting them? - Need to set up Sl Feature service copy - Faisal set up non secure service and it's working.
- Ask about demo license expiring on Apr 12th - ignore
- Should we create multiple sites with multiple viewers (Ex. UFD Site - ~25 UFD Viewers)? Or should we create one site with DDOT divisions as viewers? - UFD Site - ~25 UFD Viewers
- Add default settings for the tasks in UpdateWorkOrder - Need to set up Sl Feature service copy
- Can we trim off fields or hide them if they aren't relevant on the feature service? - YES
- How do we access the inspection form/create a workflow that does so? - Need to set up Sl Feature service cop
- Which basemap to use as the standard? - ignore
First Call
- Why do I continually need to sign in? Every time we refresh the viewer page, we are signed out, and have to sign back in.
- Still an issue
- How to link to a CityWorks inspection form, and then be able to edit the form in GeoCortex, if possible
- Still an issue
- Check Basic Cityworks config
- Do we have it set up right?
- XML is at: \\ddotgeo\e$\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements\Sites\Resources\Cityworks
- What are best practices for setting it up.
- Geocortex/Cityworks blueprint?
- Need a baseline - start off point...because,
- Stuff that's in there doesn't work.
- Only Pavement Markings assets are selected when
- doing the Create Work Order function
- Select your location to select all assets, but
- only selects Pavement Marking assets