- James Graham (Deactivated)
Owned by James Graham (Deactivated)
26 Mar, 2022
2 min read
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As DDOT is charged with developing streetscape standards for the District's transportation system and public space, DDOT shall:
- improve the appearance and vitality of street and sidewalk space, and balance security and aesthetic considerations in public realm design.
- improve the appearance and identity of the District's streets through the design of street lights, paved surfaces, landscaping areas, bus shelters, street "furniture", and adjacent building facades;
- use variations in lighting and landscaping to highlight and clarify the function of different streets, making the circulation system easier to navigate and understand for residents and visitors; and
- ensure that the design of public space facilitates connections between different modes of travel, including walking, public transit, bicycling, and driving.
Procedures & Services
Anyone who wishes to install any fixture or other street furniture in public space(such as a bench or bicycle rack) must obtain a public space permit from DDOT. All public space permit applications are processed through DDOT's Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPS).
Bike Rack, Bench, or Other Street Furniture FAQ
See Related
Page:Vendors (Compendium)
Page:Streets and Roadways (Compendium)
Page:Streetscape (Compendium)
Page:Special Trees (Compendium)
Page:Public Space Permits (Compendium)
Page:Public Space Committee (Compendium)
Page:Public Space and Right of Way (Compendium)
Page:Parklets (Compendium)
Page:Driveways (Compendium)
Page:Block Parties (Compendium)
Additional Information
Legal References
- DCMR 10-A912: UD-3 Improving the Public Realm
- DCMR 10-A913.8: Policy UD-3.1.1: Improving Streetscape Design
- DCMR 10-A913.8: Policy UD-3.1.3: Streetscape Design and Street Function
- DCMR 10-A913.12: Policy UD-3.1.5: Streetscape and Mobility
- DCMR 24-11: Downtown Streetscape
- DCMR 24-1201: Lay-Bys: General Provisions
Design Standards & Specifications
- DC Public Realm Design Manual
- DC Public Realm Design Manual, §3.4.7: Downtown Streetscape Driveway Regulations
- DC Public Realm Design Manual: Sidewalk Treatment within the Downtown Streetscape Area
Transportation Plans & Studies
- n/a
Other Resources
- n/a