Research and Library

Research and Library

The Research Program helps DDOT anticipate and address transportation concerns before they become critical problems.

Points of Contact:

Stephanie Dock: Research Program Administrator

Kathleen (Katie) Crabb: Managing Librarian

Who are we?

The Research Program serves the entire agency by convening and guiding a structured approach to transportation research, providing research material, and initiating and managing research projects. The Program serves as a repository for research ideas and provides funding for a prioritized set of projects each year.

The Research Program is supported by local university partners, led by the Howard University Transportation Research Center.

The DDOT Library is a central source of agency materials and current information for agency staff, as well as the home for the agency's historical collections. The Library's primary focus is DDOT employees, but also serves the rest of DC government as well as the federal government, consultants, researchers, and the public. If you are not a DDOT employee and wish to visit the Library just call or email the librarian and we will be glad to assist you!

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