2020-11-04 DDOT-HU meeting notes



Discussion items

  • Harsh paid for 2 periods after he left, sending a check back ($2400)
    • Also overpaid back in December, but that account fully invoiced
  • Virtual (or partly virtual) summer program
    • How handle computers and internet access?
      • Can they remotely access a desktop if they lack good computers?
      • HU purchase and loan laptops, using supplies funds
      • Possibilities for not being constantly online?
    • Leave stipends at current levels
    • DC working hours
    • Best practices for virtual internship management - add to manager manual
      • Establish standing weekly meeting
  • Send out request for intern projects sooner rather than later
  • Have current interns register and get reimbursed
  • Waiting on FY21 work plan approval and notice that we can at least obligate the spring baseline funding
  • New contract solicitation
    • If intern task goes to HU for summer, need admin funds regardless of who gets contract/timing
Peer Exchange
  • Platform: HU uses Teams and Zoom; SD looking at getting a WebEx, Teams is fallback
  • Moderator? Stephen can help
  • Note takers from HU
  • Advisory Bike Lanes
    • Video analysis ongoing, data coming in
  • Seatbelt Survey - NHTSA wants by the end of the year
    • Starting next week
  • Signals project (FY21)
    • HU trying to talk to UMD, will try to get the paperwork jump started
  • Telecommuting and Tax (FY21) - just let Morgan do it, since they already did the work to prepare

Action items

  • HU pull together anything they have on virtual internship management  
  • kathleen.crabb prepare the call for intern projects for posting by  
  • Quote for peer exchange  
  • Stephanie Dock (Unlicensed) send Seatbelt Survey PO after call  
  • Stephanie Dock (Unlicensed) get Seatbelt TO from Steve  
  • HU talk to UMD about process and start paperwork for project Â