2021-08-03 Meeting notes



Discussion items


  • Showcase day!
    • Use videos (or screenshots) to add to the recruitment page
    • Send to Division Office to highlight the good work! - bring up on FHWA call today
  • Gathering end dates
  • HU will confirm remaining budget based on those end dates
  • HU fixing mis-billing on upcoming payments
    • One intern with payment issue will still show as billed to Research as remedy to prior direct deposit error
  • OP wants to recruit an intern for the fall semester - Stephanie will send description and timing as she gets it.
  • Work on the idea from last meeting about intern follow-up
  • Revise exit survey


  • Still waiting to hear from OCP about next contract
  • Still have not seen the invoice for the admin support, but Stephen has gone up the chain - will have by end of the month.
  • Stephanie to re-send the list of invoice issues for FY15, 17, 20 and let HU know it's time to fix or we'll close without payment


  • Tax Revenue and Telecommuting
    • Kick-off on Friday
    • Final stages on subcontracting
    • Post-doc they wanted has taken another position, working on recruiting a new person
  • ODN
    • No word from Carey Anne
    • OGC should have an opinion, Stephanie will recheck, we'll repost

Action items

  • Share end dates with Melissa kathleen.crabb 
  • HU estimate of remaining intern budget for fall start
  • HU send quote for fall interns
  • HU check status on spend for admin funds- any left? (assuming no)
  • HU prepare a quote for fall support
  • Re-send invoice issues list to HU Stephanie Dock (Unlicensed)Â