QC Notes

Use this page to add in notes of issues that you encountered during your QC.

  • Blocks or corridors that were skipped (also include location and reason why)

Anc 1A Review/Notes

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Anc 1B Review/Notes

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Anc 1C Review/Notes

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Anc 1D Review/Notes

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Anc 2A Review/Notes

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Anc 2B Review/Notes

  • Skipped west side of 14th St. btwn. S and U until the 14th St. Streetscape is further along.

Anc 2C Review/Notes

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Anc 2D Review/Notes

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Anc 2E Review/Notes

  • Skipped West Road (btw North Rd and Yates Rd) due to major construction.

Anc 2F Review/Notes

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Anc 3B Review/Notes

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Anc 3C Review/Notes

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Anc 3D Review/Notes

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Anc 3E Review/Notes

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Anc 3F Review/Notes

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Anc 3G Review/Notes

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Anc 4A Review/Notes

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Anc 4B Review/Notes

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Anc 4C Review/Notes

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Anc 4D Review/Notes

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Anc 5A Review/Notes

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Anc 5B Review/Notes

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Anc 5C Review/Notes

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Anc 5D Review/Notes

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Anc 5E Review/Notes

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Anc 6A Review/Notes

  • Skipped Maryland Ave NE from 8th St to the Starburst because of Maryland Ave NE project (road diet). Project currently scheduled for completion in June 2021.

Anc 6B Review/Notes

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Anc 6C Review/Notes

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Anc 6D Review/Notes

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Anc 6E Review/Notes

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Anc 7B Review/Notes

  • Skipped ID: {E7EF80BF-EFA3-4C21-89AA-AB6AE596A645} - DO NOT DRIVE IN CURB PARKING LANE (code for sign not available)
  • Accidentally added three signs to this support structure and retiring them same day (1/19/21). Support ID: {BD6D8216-CAEC-4775-B735-423A6DF19218}
  • Skipped ID: {7E02F00D-A855-43D3-9467-A9FF9A04E1CC} - NO RIGHT TURN (code for sign plaque not available)

  • Skipped ID {5FFA50E2-0EFC-40E5-B985-1B4163FDB229} (code for playground plaque not available) 

Anc 7C Review/Notes

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Anc 7D Review/Notes

  • Removed ID: {6505EA2F-2055-4565-83DF-5B502D5A4C39} - PRIVATE PARKING ONLY sign
  • Ignored ID: {4F22A29E-E3AF-4035-BB46-10AC53CFC11E} - DO NOT BLOW HORN sign

Skipped ID: {C6C9A5F3-3D02-453B-A343-302D097E8241} - PRIVATE PROPERTY

  • Removed: NO CODE FOR ID: {106EEA37-B64F-4345-AF00-22D4CA979875} - SLOW SPEED HUMP 10 
  • Retired sign ID: {7E433D5A-547B-4ADB-80F7-13F991FB4592} 
  • Retired sign ID: {41C77C5C-CA01-4998-92A5-DCDC02234946} 
  • retired support ID: {49A647D5-9143-42A6-973D-0E07357720D7} 
  • Retired ID: {4BD253BD-731D-4D72-9BF0-91D275266907} 
  • Support ID: {B2B08022-02D6-43DC-B8B2-09465BBEA18E} is missing a sign (SPEED HUMP)
  • Retired ID: {6ADFD7A7-DC1B-4575-BC0F-A46646F210E5} 
  • Revisit ID: {94B5A103-ABAE-4D40-B81C-DDCC1556F91D} later.
  • Support down {FC887A0F-19BF-424D-9070-78F2EB11C548} 
  • Support and sign (Stop Sign) ID: {380CB507-A483-4C8D-8150-6E3A66B90C07} temporarily moved due to construction work 

Anc 7E Review/Notes

  • Support needs comment that it is damaged (I added one) 
  • Missing post and sign {F4458880-D6CD-4E32-A22B-FE70FA633041} 
  • Super-faded tow away zone sign is marked as Unclassified {B0980CA8-8C28-47BD-806D-302314E659AF}
  • Signs out of order {F597ACF1-5A1B-4148-8821-3AB3840C778E}  
  • No sign but has one marked Unclassified {A1AE8DDD-76CD-4293-818A-8047CF4B3A45}  
  • Several signs on these blocks have two timebands instead of one {55AA4F31-7170-47B0-8445-6F5BAE5B37B3}   
  • pretty sure this is just a private sign {F8291BC7-9EFE-4D0E-81B6-8866D0617F80} 

Anc 7F Review/Notes

  • Several supports left as 'other support' when they are streetlights  {7415335B-4CC1-44DC-9752-6A7020945BC3} 
  • this is on a U-post,  not a telephone pole.  Also, the missing sign is not marked {23CDCDB7-FCCA-4202-B66C-5556CC3371E5} 

Anc 8A Review/Notes

  • {1CFE645C-BDE4-4E12-8F17-2345061403E5} - if no days, then it's Monday-Sunday (there's another one north east)
  • {5E888B3C-3FB9-4138-9295-1E0A5563DF99} - this support does not exist.  Retire it.
  • {95186E27-CD45-4A9B-A961-A5AF091D008F} - wrong support type.  Change to streetlight
  • {64217C2C-CF07-488D-A84F-515B6FEB6BA9} - wrong support type and signs out of order
  • {4DA67496-4E5A-4DC7-8792-85D251D7DC3F} - across alley sign missed

  • Opposite of this sign, on either side of the alley are 2 missed signs
  • Further down Young St Se a missed sign
  • {CA96814E-3BFB-4F0D-98A9-B9F767C40979} - does not exist. I retired support.
  • {BFE9D46A-B8BD-43E5-A2A0-0021E61E894A} - There is utility pole with a Stop Ahead sign that needs to be added

  • {C103E9AB-FCA5-4105-A0E2-5B257C03C919} - School Speed limit sign needs to be added or reactivated
  • {C36C3761-96AC-4540-BBD9-0808A14F91A7} - replace No Right Turn sign with All Way sign on support
  • {06AB2ADB-2B6A-4871-B2C4-E3CC27B4B2AE} -These signs are no longer exist
  • {91E51B96-EAD1-43C0-9D7A-39DC646EC721} - does not exist and has been retired
  • {EBEFF249-55FE-4BC3-8E52-1A48BED97A96} - Add sign (Cross Traffic Does Not Stop) to support
  • between {6FD4CC51-B63C-4F8D-93EB-3E5C09809EB4} and {EBEFF249-55FE-4BC3-8E52-1A48BED97A96} - Add support and No Parking sign
  • Next to {35ADC348-E159-4D08-9901-E465E58C3318} - support and sign need to be added
  • {CCA87A91-DBC9-4D7F-A21B-9B38927BB9C2} - only one sign should be on support; more than one shown
  • {486FF6C7-29F0-444D-A13A-2B110E67CAD8} - support and sign need to be added(screenshot)
  • {9D26FBE9-B597-455D-83BD-1463C3AAC689} - Just before the intersection a pedestrian crosswalk sign needs to be added
  • {F980EB50-7F8F-4EF7-A4BD-7E072A793F09} - in the area support and sign need to be added(screenshot)
  • Near {10D71576-A577-4E4F-B8C0-2162659E7845} - support and signs need to be added (Screenshot)
  • Near {8205B770-A63B-4D57-9828-F5D45CA594B5} - add ped crosswalk(screenshot)
  • Opposite {168092F5-D86D-4B93-9721-A1B12E437302} - add support and sign(Screenshot)
  • 9/23/2020 -Near ID: {D05D8E7A-F432-436D-AF5E-71354F04F693} - Missed support and signs(screenshot). Not sure if the Keep Left sign is temporary and should be retired?

Anc 8B Review/Notes

  • {7869A72A-72B7-4AD8-AFF8-FF31B4C20402} - signs out of order and one sign needs a #faded comment
  • {4171ADDF-8836-4EAC-B0FF-64F67363F390} - Playground sign left out
  • {029D8EA5-AD0F-46C3-AE7F-704FA279BBB4} - Not positioned in right place or wrongly classified(screenshot)
  • {70AAE0E8-0A4C-4B02-A146-80A47CD1A9E2} - rearrange signs
  • {43AF546B-A65F-4830-941C-84BB99CC7E36} - private property. Retire sign
  • Near {0160FFBA-5EB9-493A-AD4F-F6C5FD6035B1} - supports and signs need to be added
  • {A58A377B-0FB6-42FE-A5E7-260DBD158597} - rearrange signs
  • {C5112427-D71B-4A9F-B313-FEC7DBCB8FAB} - move point to support position and edit signs (remove All Way sign)
  • {CCE82552-B54A-427D-9B46-822B5F61F0B6} - rearrange signs
  • {9F9264C1-D945-4F98-931E-0C7B4A212D8C}- rearrange signs
  • {1E59319D-E557-4233-BA66-3D0683685CEA} - rearrange signs and add sign(screenshot)
  • {FFE2E398-C1ED-4226-95D6-27995C4ADD58} - sign left unclassified with no comments; move to right support
  • {31501AEF-434C-4FAE-95F3-F8092540069C} - retire support; temporary sign last seen in 2015
  • {7646081F-08B2-4E47-9133-03A82CA7F6C5} - move point to support position
  • {821D53C2-1307-4CA6-982F-88F56EABC368} - rearrange signs
  • {AECA6A1B-BE84-49EA-BD62-DDE2BE5A353A} - retire support
  • {7CA47A58-8543-4E71-8475-892C049310FA} - rearrange signs
  • {82219ADF-9057-4329-B4D6-96B1BD5BCE0B} -rearrange signs
  • {F9F7397F-2C53-4DEB-B047-DD8A2794C868} - retire sign and leave support
  • {C60BFDC0-CCDC-4497-BC40-DAEAB4FF8268} - retire support
  • {5C141A2A-8A73-482C-AC34-AF3899E1AAF4} - retire support
  • {AE64465C-DC3F-40E7-ABA8-A863E8A5E096} - rearrange signs. Contact James Graham if the sign(Now Entering A Weed and Seed Community) remains or gets retired.
  • {BA0E882A-0A4C-4243-848A-D03C47E960C5} - rearrange signs
  • {5BD996C2-68EA-4ED1-BDE9-F41D74CDD037} - rearrange signs
  • {49EAC5E2-4A42-4BBD-823C-C16162DE7B15} - retire support
  • {AF974C65-81E3-42DF-8757-793EA65738D8} - rearrange signs
  • {634C7617-EF0D-4E7A-8CA7-D52E7037D311} - rearrange signs
  • {4B18CD38-3D4A-4282-BBC6-A7434DA8EE20} - rearrange signs
  • {B89949B0-FEF9-4F84-9F47-37F48CD7D933} - rearrange signs
  • Add two supports with sign(screenshot)
  • Opposite(south side) of {4E84969F-A9D9-43D0-BC85-063981D74DDB} - add 2 supports with signs(screenshot)

Anc 8C Review/Notes

  • Support ID: {12283D67-3F54-49E2-9807-43432F2D26C3} missing sign code for 

Can't find code for sign ID: {3539CACF-E1A5-4CC7-BFAD-F9AAB169D0DC}

Anc 8D Review/Notes

  • South Capitol St is under construction.  From _____ to _____

Anc 8E Review/Notes

  • {113A9785-AB10-4C31-928F-A686C064D2EF} - Support type should be Utility Post(screenshot), add stop sign
  • {34AB3C62-4F63-4843-8CE7-C8BE0BB58AC3} - this was last seen in 2017. Check with James Graham if it should be retired or reported as missing.
  • {DCE0C571-1BAE-4E49-BE66-97A1A58961D6} - add restriction(7am-7pm) for No Turn On Red sign. Check with James Graham if Clean And Green sign(seen in 2017) should be retired or reported as missing.
  • {FD4824B1-7438-4B07-8317-E34A49DFE803} - Edit support type to Signal. Check with James Graham if Clean And Green sign(seen in 2017) should be retired or reported as missing.
  • {DD24B895-BB9B-44D8-BE35-A0DE6FFFF965} - retire support
  • {8854D554-17E9-487D-8743-EFD3D6483B8E} - retire sign but leave support
  • {EB42A430-425A-49B8-B55D-533F171E5A7A} - rearrange signs
  • {47951DAF-5968-4351-88BE-00243049EBBE} - add double arrow to sign
  • {D3CB0B2F-CA4F-41D5-80AC-B39602EB6C92} - edit no parking sign(to R-NS-011). Take note of direction of arrows
  • {206F6A9F-4FD1-4A2E-9F75-C98F5BDDDF44} - Last 2 bottom signs should not be on support. replace one with Adopt a Block and remove the other. See screenshot
  • {6408AEAF-C18F-4AF7-B979-856D59F6AE34} - add restrictions to Two Hour parking(use code R-NS-RPP). Take note of direction of arrows
  • {040F48C6-5AFA-4459-AE7F-154E1CC4CCBC} - replace bottom sign with 2 signs (Pick After Your Dog)
  • Near {54597D02-86A2-4641-B1CA-4F648961814A} add a support(U-Post) with a No Right Turn sign. Also add supports and signs depicted in the screenshot below.
  • {A3A8916D-A258-4F6D-AB22-6776F77361A2} - retire suport
  • {8B041CDC-1C16-49F5-B749-0F9D16C6C1D4} - retire bottom sign
  • Near {23EF6477-A9F8-4769-8EE8-7882F15EF42E} add speed limit sign as shown in screenshot
  • {B86EDDB7-5AD8-4737-96E7-1F101687F948} - Only one sign should be on support
  • Add support and speed limit sign below
  • {7E367528-DF6F-42CC-81E5-986B0D492364} - retire unclassified sign
  • {0CF86FA7-DDC5-4DEB-A55F-4A1572240958} - Add 2 supports and signs on either side of the driveway(screenshot)
  • Add support near {578B539F-FBEE-4D76-A638-EC33306A4959} as shown in screenshot
  • Near {01654C2D-318D-4FC3-A227-42D186B5F08F} at intersection add support(screenshot)
  • {F40461D4-585B-4281-B347-536E8CE9AD0C} - retire sign
  • {4B96CC0A-5C80-4FD1-BC87-63FB89D0DB2F} - edit sign to Diagonal Left arrow
  • {2EFD31E6-5302-4983-AAF6-6143BEFBF016} - retire sign
  • Mississippi -
  • {CB8AAEE0-F878-48E4-AF17-A489A9BDD03B}- retire
  • {8B0945CA-F001-4E57-B952-66FA46C560F4} - It was left unclassified
  • Near {65379ECC-7E78-492B-B050-0AC3C2E201C9} - add support and sign