Electric Vehicles
- Former user (Deleted)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
04 Mar, 2022
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Designated electric vehicle charging spaces are reserved for electric vehicles only, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Unauthorized vehicles shall be subject to a fine and tow.Â
Electric vehicles must be actively charging in order to use these reserved spaces, and may not charge for more than four (4) hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.Â
Designated electric vehicle spaces are considered part of the Premium Demand Parking Meter Rate Zone.Â
Procedures & Services
Department Energy Savings Initiative - Electric Vehicles Section
See Related
Page:Temporary Parking Restrictions (COMP0304)
Page:Temporary Parking Permits (COMP0304)
Page:Valet Parking (COMP0304)
Page:Visitor Parking (COMP0304)
Page:Bicycle Parking (COMP0304)
Page:Driveways (COMP0304)
Page:Diplomat and Embassy Parking (COMP0304)
Page:Enforcement (COMP0304)
Page:Electric Vehicles (COMP0304)
Page:Curbside Management Study (COMP0304)
Page:Parking Meters (COMP0304)
Page:Performance Parking (COMP0304)
Page:Parking Prohibitions and Restrictions (COMP0304)
Page:Parking for Persons With Disabilities (COMP0304)
Page:Residential Parking Permits (RPP) (COMP0304)
Additional Information