


DDOT shall promote car-sharing in the District of Columbia, as it expands transportation options for residents, visitors, and commuters; enhances mobility and access to jobs, housing, education, shopping, and recreation; and innovatively reduces both traffic congestion and competition for parking spaces.

Procedures & Services

DDOT may contract with any qualified car-sharing firm (CSF) in furtherance of promoting car-sharing. DDOT may renew, renegotiate, or terminate the contract based on an evaluation of results.

Car-Share Parking

DDOT may reserve on-street parking spaces for the exclusive use of car-sharing vehicles. Only those vehicles registered to and operated by the contracted CSF may park in designated car-sharing spaces. DDOT may also allow car-sharing vehicles to be parked in any residential permit parking zone or at parking meters without payment at the time of parking, subject to certain provisions. (DCMR 18-2406.12,-.13, -.18).

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