Project Description
The research is intended to implement a sandbox for one or more pilot or demonstration projects that use emerging technology solutions to improve pedestrian and/or cyclist safety in intersections. The sandbox will encompass a single intersection or corridor within the District. Envisioned solutions include:
- Technology that enhances DDOT’s situational awareness of intersection activity to inform safety improvements
- Technology that provides auditory or visual alerts for pedestrians, cyclists, and/or drivers approaching crosswalks based on real-time activity in the intersection
The research will fund a consultant to facilitate the program management and evaluation of this sandbox project. The primary tasks for the consultant will be to assist DDOT in finding an appropriate mix of vendors, facilitate pilots and provide incentive funds to help cover vendor pilot costs (using funds from project budget), and evaluate the pilots.
Project Need
Intersection crossing is increasingly a challenge for distracted pedestrians, seniors, and individuals with disabilities (e.g., low vision or mobility issues). Nationally, 5,376 pedestrians died in crashes in 2015, a 9.4% increase from the previous year. DC’s Vision Zero Initiative seeks to reach zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers of DC’s transportation system, through more effective use of data, education, enforcement, and engineering. Part of both Vision Zero and DDOT’s long-range transportation plan, MoveDC, is a commitment to increase pedestrian and cyclist safety at intersections.
As the Nation’s Capital, DDOT receives numerous vendor pitches for emerging technology solutions. However, because of the nascent nature of these solutions, their potential benefit to the agency is often difficult to assess and, if deemed suitable, often difficult to champion toward implementation.
Given these issues, a more strategic approach for testing applications of innovative solutions for Vision Zero is needed.
Desired Outcome & Expected Benefits
The research should result in implementation and evaluation of one or more pilot or demonstrations of emerging technology for pedestrian and/or cyclist safety in intersections. The implementation and evaluation should further provide insight into the feasibility and usability of these technologies, thereby enabling DDOT to make more informed decisions on whether to pursue a full-scale implementation. Ultimately, this research should improve safety outcomes for pedestrians and cyclists in the District.
Additionally, as this will be the first instance of DDOT’s use of a sandbox approach for procurement and evaluation of emerging technology solutions, it could be used as a model for future sandbox projects to address a variety of DDOT needs.
Consultant tasks are as follows:
- Sandbox Program Management
- Solicitation Outreach
- Facilitation of Awards
- Facilitation of Installation, Maintenance, and Removal
- Evaluation
- Establish Evaluation Criteria and Gather Data
- Assess Impacts
DDOT posted a request for information (RFI) to identify potential technologies to pilot as part of this project in May 2021. Responses are due May 31, 2021. The RFI is available here.
Project Oversight
DDOT Stakeholders
Research, ITS, ITS Maintenance, Vision Zero, Performance Management
Peer Reviewers