Completed Research Projects

Completed Research Projects

The table below is a summary of completed projects. The final reports for DDOT research projects are available in pdf or print and can be found by searching the library catalog (search "Final Research Reports" in series). Please contact the  Research Program for more information on any projects.

Completed Projects

Related Projects

Some research projects are not housed within the research program but still fit within our profile. Below are some of the additional projects that the Research Program has been involved in and links to further information.

Trip Generation in Washington, DC and Other Heavily Urbanized Areas

Assessments of the impact of new land use development on the transportation network often rely on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation and Parking Generation informational reports. Current ITE rates generally represent travel behavior for separated, single-use developments in low-density suburban areas. However, a more compact urban form, access to transit, and a greater mix of uses are known to generate fewer and shorter vehicle trips (especially in heavily urbanized areas, like Washington, DC). There is both local and national interest in building data that expands upon the existing trip and parking generation rates to include sites located in a multimodal context. This research proposes to develop multimodal trip generation rates that better reflect the relationship between land use, transportation, and travel demand for specific land use types located in heavily urbanized settings, especially in Washington DC. The research conducted for this project will account for how the built environment (e.g., both land use and transportation) influences travel behavior (number of trips, trip length, mode choice), and determine trip and parking rates that reflect the entire activity spectrum of different development/place typologies. The research will also account for the relationship between parking and trip generation. Phase 1 of this project was funded by the research program; the project is continuing in order to collect more data and eventually will develop a model and link with the parking study described below. See the project page for more information.

Phase 1 research completed September 2014, Phase 2 completed September 2015, Phase 3 research completed September 2016, Phase 4 developed the TripsDC webtool in 2017. 
Project Managers: Jonathan Rogers, 202-671-3022, Stephanie Dock, 202-671-1371

DC Multifamily Residential Parking Study

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Office of Planning (OP) are embarking on a research effort to assess parking demand in multifamily residential buildings throughout the District. Conventional parking demand resources are unreliable for urban areas and can lead to the over-building of parking resulting in undesirable transportation, urban design, and housing affordability impacts. To address this data gap, the project will develop empirical residential parking demand rates that reflect the relationship between land use, transportation, and travel demand for multifamily residential buildings in the District. A web-based, interactive tool will be created to educate developers, residents, zoning bodies, and District agencies about parking demand. This research effort is based on King County’s (Washington) Right-Size Parking study. Additional information can be found on the project page.

Project completed: September 2015

Project Manager: Jonathan Rogers, 202-671-3022

District Mobility

The District Mobility Project responds to a request from the DC Council to assess the state of congestion for all surface modes in the District and identify actions to address that congestion. Broadening that vision, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) sought to better quantify and qualify the state of its transportation system performance from a holistic multimodal perspective. This entails measurement of the transportation system’s congestion, reliability, and accessibility. That data is then used to identify near-term strategies and areas to focus on to help address mobility issues. As projects to address these issues are completed, their results will be assessed and new areas of need identified. This iterative process will allow the District Mobility Project to keep pace with the District’s evolving landscape. Learn more about the state of mobility in the District and what we are doing to improve it on the District Mobility website.

Initial project completed September 2016, continuation work completed in September 2017.

Project Manager: Stephanie Dock, 202-671-1371

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