LISA Bicycle Network Analysis

LISA Bicycle Network Analysis


District Department of Transportation (DDOT) needs a mechanism to prioritize investments to improve bicyclist safety and accessibility. Project LISA built a software tool to enable cities like Washington, D.C. to prioritize future infrastructure investments, taking into account key characteristics of road segments and intersections.  The tool builds a model of the city’s infrastructure based on currently available data and can be updated with new information as additional data sources become available or new facilities are constructed. LISA will help DDOT corroborate existing perceptions about the availability of bicycle facilities and identify gaps in the overall bicycle network. In addition, LISA will be used as a proof-of-concept for other jurisdictions as they look to develop their own bicycle network maps. The team’s work has been shared with other Departments of Transportation at a Peer Exchange meeting and will be submitted to the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board annual meeting.




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