AASHTO E-Publications
AASHTO E-Publications
The vast majority of new AASHTO publications are available digitally (we do have some older items, as well as PE Exam items, in hardcopy). The library is in charge of receiving these e-publications. which are available on Sharepoint.
How to Access
- You must have Adobe on your computer. These PDFs will not open in an internet tab
- Download the FileOpen plugin in order to access these PDFs
- Once you have both of these, you can download the PDF from Sharepoint by right clicking and selecting "download." This will open the PDF in Adobe
- A dialog box will appear, prompting you to login
- Email: kathleen.crabb@dc.gov
- Password: tranlib
- Now you should have access to the document!
- As we only have 5 licenses (which means only 5 users may have the documents open at once) please close-out the PDF when you are done using it
What is Available?
- Roadside Design Guide
- AASHTO Green Book
- Design of Pavement Structures
- Highway Safety Manual
- Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide
- Materials Standards
- LRFD Standards
- Manual for Bridge Evaluation
- Pedestrian Facilities Guide
- Culvert and Drain Inspection Guide
...and more!
, multiple selections available,