Signworks Inventory User Guide

Signworks Inventory User Guide

Signworks Inventory is an app that allows users to view sign data by clicking on the map. Authorized users also have the ability to edit/correct the sign inventory.

If you need to request new signs or make changes to existing signs in the field, you need to use Signworks Request.

Getting Started

  1. For basic navigation and use, see Using Signworks Inventory: Basic Navigation

  2. For help editing signs and supports, see Editing and Adding Supports and Signs.
  3. To find supports and signs, you can use Signworks custom search tools, see Querying Sign and Support Data.
  4. To use the features of the StreetSmart, it's built right into Signworks.  See Using the StreetSmart Window.
  5. For Step by Step to inspect signs in Signworks, see https://wiki.ddot.dc.gov/x/XlXBBg

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