NoSQL App and Docs Review

App Review

App Name: 

  • Safety Graph
  • Please incorporate this name in the app where appropriate

Login screen

  • Background color needs to change
  • Icon (i can work up something)
  • Failed login doesn't report anything to user.
  • AD not currently working (**NEED TO TEST ONCE DEPLOYED AT DDOT)


Top-nav area:

  • Add a Help button with a link to this page:
  • Make buttons for Cross-Section and Logout spaced out and right-justified; keep title left-justified

Left-nav area:

  • All titles for these major sections should have H3 heading
  • All Title/major sections should have more distinct separation.  Right now, there is a very fine grayish line separating them - this should be a bolder line or a more pronounced color.  Or add within a container of some sort to make this separation more apparent.
  • Segment vs Section Level Constraint (confusing to non technical person or someone not familiar with the data structure).  Change Titles to the following:

    Current text...change to

    I want to search for...

    Segment-Level Constraints

    Roadway Attribute Filters

    Intersection Constraints

    Intersection Filters

    Section-Level Constraints

    Cross-section Filters

    Crash constraints

    Crash Data Filters

    Add Segment/Segment constraint

    Filter Intersection Approaches

  • Change all 'Add Constraint...' buttons to 'Add Filter...'
  • Subsequent pop-up box
    • No horizontal scroll bars
    • After Add Filter button is clicked, change subsequent popup box title to 'Add a Filter'
    • In cross-section filter box, change all grouping title text from 'constraints' text to 'filters'.  E.g, Bike Constraints should be Bike Filters
    • Left-justify all group title text



  • IntersectionID should also be listed when selecting the approaches

  • Would be nice to be able to zoom by scrolling up/down

  • Slider control for range type selections:  I would prefer the use of a more traditional slider bar.  It's more compact and the 'pin' slider is limited when you get to attributes with really high numbers like AADT.

  • Adjust section pop-up. 
    • Please add SublockKey
    • Make the Routename the popup title
    • route_id: Change label to Route ID
    • route_name: <move to popup title>
    • route_type: Change label to Route ID
    • through_lane_count: Change label to # Through Lanes
    • median_type: Change label to Has Median
    • aadt: Change label to AADT
    • aadt_year: Change label to AADT Year
  • Approaches
    • IntersectionID should also be listed when selecting the approaches
  • Cross-section viewer
    • Streetmix 'opens', but it's blank and we need to see some sort of icons symbolizing the section data.  The icons show when you drag things around a bit, but then disappear again. 
    • I can see saved cross-sections, but the ones I try to save are not shown here.

Docs Review

New Data

What adjustments are needed if we want to incorporate new LRS event data?  For example:  if we wanted to begin incorporating a new segment-level attribute for Speed Limit, how would we accomplish this?


In the docs, testing is mentioned, but I'm not really familiar with this library and how it works in this context.  Need additional explanation/guidance (demo would be nice too!)