FY22 A/E Schedule
Using This Site
Below is an explanation of the columns and their meaning.
A/E Category Description: The A/E category from which the requirement is being solicited.
Project Description: Brief project description.
TO Fair Opportunity: List of firms selected to compete for the TO and their associated subcontract POC.
Note: Firms 4 and 5 will be used if the Contracting Officer deems additional firms are necessary for a given requirement.
Solicitation Date: Date the RFQ was transmitted.
Response Due: Initial Due date for qualifications.
Note: If the response date (as amended) has passed, offerors will no longer be able to change the composition of their team.
Response Due as Amended: If the TO was amended and the due date for qualifications was changed, the updated date will be input.
Solicitation PDF: A PDF copy of the RFQ to include the scope of work.
For questions regarding this site, contact Jeralyn.Johnson@dc.gov.
Site Inclusions
A/E TOs will be posted once the solicitation has been sent to all offerors.
If a solicitation is amended to extend the response due date, the new date will be posted in the Response Due as Amended field.
Site Exclusions
TOs solicited under the Cooperative Purchasing clause will not be posted.
Amendments will not be available for download.
Forecasted TO requirements.
Set asides as permitted by local law or regulation.
Once a TO is awarded, it will be moved to the Task Order page on the left.
A/E Schedule Tool Box
- Crossing the "Acceptable" Chasm [PDF]
- FY22 A/E Schedule Category Award Matrix [PDF]
- AASHTO Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) [Word]
- Self Certification of Accounting System [PDF]
- Certification of Final Indirect Costs [PDF]
- Adequacy Checklist for Indirect Costs Submission[PDF]
- Checklist for Indirect Cost Rate Submission [Word]
- OCP DDOT Procurement Manual [PDF]
- FY22 A/E Schedule - Base Period Performance Report[PDF]
A/E Category Description | Project Description | Task Order Fair Opportunity (At Least 3) | Solicitation Date | Response Due | Response Due Amended | Solicitation PDF | |||||
Firm 1 | Firm 2 | Firm 3 | Firm 4 | Firm 5 | |||||||
2 | Cat D CMSI | Construction of Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT) from Fort Totten to Takoma Metro Station Project | C.C. Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. Mike Good jgood@ccjm.com | Hayat Brown Hayat Kelil-Brown | KCI Associates Jeff Tan | Pennoni Joseph Spadea | Wallace Montgomery & Associates Elizabeth Brusio | 2PM EST | OCPTO220025 RFQ_Met Branch Trail Fort Totten to Takoma.pdf OCPTO220025 Amendment No-1.pdf | ||
6 | Cat E- Traffic Engineering | HSIP & TSES | AECOM: Sean Rousseau Sean.Rousseau@aecom.com Daniel: Manzur Elahi melahi@dciengineers.com | STV: Alfonso Ronca alfonso.ronca@stvinc.com HNTB: Jon Whitney jwhitney@hntb.com | Jacobs: Muhammed Khalid muhammed.khalid@jacobs.com Parsons: Ronaldo Nicholson ronaldo.nicholson@parsons.com (declined) | Pennoni: Joseph Spadea jspadea@pennoni.com Johnson Mirmiran Thompson (JMT): Gerard Baxter GBaxter@jmt.com | RKK: Scott rumley scrumley@rkk.com WSP Mugdha Tipnis mugdha.tipnis@wsp.com | ||||
7 | Cat E- Traffic Engineering | Safe Routes to School Safety Analysis and Design | Mead &Hunt Ziad Sabra ziad.sabra@meadhunt.com | Volkert Engineering Keith Weakley (declined) | Stantec Simon Simon (declined) ADD: Kimley-Horn Adrienne Ameel adrienne.ameel@kimley-horndc.com | Prime Engineering Kurt Miller ADD: EXP USA Amir Arab | Wallace Montgomery & Associates Elizabeth Brusio (declined) ADD: ATCS PL Jason Kacamburas (declined) |
| |||
8 | Cat D- CM | CM Traffic and Safety | Temple Group, Inc. Michael Osaghae mosaghae@thetemplegroup.com | Precision Systems, Inc. Allen Yang psi@dcpsi.com | O'Connell & Lawrence, Inc. Carrie Foster carrie.foster@oclinc.com | Somat Engineering, Inc. Arpan Patel arpan@somateng.com | Volkert Engineering, PC Keith Weakley keith.weakley@volkert.com | ||||
9 | Cat D CMSI | Sign Backlog | C.C. Johnson Malhotra Mark Bodmann mbodmann@ccjm.com | ATCS, PLC Jason Kacamburas jkacamburas@atcspc.com | SZPM Consultants Suli Wang swang@szpmconsultants.com | RFQ Download | |||||
10 | Cat A Roadway Design | Streetscape Elements for Reconstruction of Hill East Waterfront Phase II | HNTBDC Jon Whitney (declined) | Whitman Requardt James Guinther jguinther@wrallp.com | Stantec Simon Simon simon.simon@stantec.com | Wallace Montgomery & Associates Elizabeth Brusio (declined) | Brudis & Associates Bill Brudis bbrudis@brudis.com | ||||
11 | Category F – Transportation Planning Studies | Anacostia River Trail: Arboretum Bridge to Maryland Avenue Connector Feasibility Study | EXP U.S. Services Amir Arab | Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC Jeff Smithline (declined) | Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP James Guinther | HDR Engineering Perry Thomas | |||||
12 | Category F – Transportation Planning Studies | Curbside Management Study | Foursquare ITP Gary Byala | Jacobs Engineering Group Inc Mohammad Khalid (declined) | Mead & Hunt, Inc. Keith Riniker | Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC Jeff Smithline (declined) Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP. Scott Crumley (declined) | Michael Baker International Scott M. Wardle, (declined) STV Incorporated Scott Lovell | ||||
13 | Category E – Traffic Engineering Services CANCELLED | Innovative Freight Delivery Practices, Research & Analysis: Scope of Work for Consultant Support | Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Simon Simon (declined) | Timmons Group Gary S. Johnson | VHB Metro DC Mark Colgan (declined) | Fehr & Peers, DC Alex Rixey (declined) ADD: HDR Thomas Perry ADD Wallace Montgomery David Borusiewicz dborusiewicz@wallacemontgomery.com (declined) | Whitman Requardt & Associates James Guinther AMT Engineers Laura Mehiel lmehiel@amtengineering.com (declined) Parsons Transportation Group Ronaldo Nicholson ronaldo.nicholson@parsons.com (declined) | ||||
14 | Category G - Program Management | DC Circulator Program Management Consultant Support Services | WSP Mugdha Tipnis | Parsons Transportation Amir A. Hedayati (declined) | HDR Engineering Nancy Connor, Contract/Project Manager (declined) | AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Sean Rousseau (declined) | Delon Hampton and Associates, Chartered Linda Nunnelly, Vice President, Business Development (declined) | ||||
15 | Category A – Roadway Design | East Capitol Street Safety and Mobility Project – Phase 1 | Wallace Montgomery & Associates Elizabeth Brusio | ATCS PLC John A. DePasquale | Volkert Engineering Keith Weakley | Sheladia Associates, Inc. Mugdha Pimprikar-Tipnis | RFQ Download | ||||
16 | Category F – Transportation Planning Studies | moveDC Annual Report and Survey | Parsons Transportation Amir A. Hedayati (declined) | HNTBDC Jon Whitney (declined) | VHB Metro DC, LLC Mark Colgan (declined) | Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP. Scott Crumley Wallace Montgomery & Associates LLP Dave Borusiewicz | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel (declined) Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. Gerard A. Baxter | ||||
17 | Category F – Transportation Planning Studies | North Capitol Street Corridor Study, Phase II | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel (declined) | Precision Systems Allen Yang psi@dcpsi.com | STV Incorporated Scott Lovell | VHD Metro DC, LLC Mark Colgan mcolgan@vhb.com | Parsons Transportation Group Ronaldo Nicholson (declined) add Michael Baker International Vic Siaurusaitis (declined) add Nelson Nygaard Christopher Forinash (declined) | ||||
18 | Cat D-CMSI | Citywide Alley Restoration | Daniel Consultants S. Manzur Elahi (declined) | EXP US Services Amir Arab Amir.Arab@exp.com | Wallace Montgomery Dave Borusiewicz dborusiewicz@wallacemontgomery.com ADD DMY Capitol, LLC David Arwood darwood@dmycapitol.com | Prime Engineering Kurt Miller (declined) ADD Michael Baker International Vic Siaurusaitis (declined) | Whitney Bailey Cox & Magngami Joe O'Neil (Declined) ADD AECOM Technical Services Sean Rousseau sean.rousseau@aecom.com(declined) | ||||
19 | Cat E-Traffic Engineering Services | Neighborhood Livability Study Support | ATCS, PLC Jason Kacamburas | Brudis & Associates Bill Brudis (declined) | Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Carol Holland (declined) | VHB Metro DC, LLC Mark Colgan ADD Wallace Montgomery & Associates LLP Dave Borusiewicz DBorusiewicz@wallacemontgomery.com (declined) | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel (declined) ADD Stantec Bimal Patel bimal.patel@stantec.com | Amendment 7-Notice of Cancellation | |||
20 | Cat G- Program Management | Curbside Revenue Program CANCELLED | Michael Baker International Vic Siaurusaitis (Declined) ADDED Via Amendment 1 AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Sean Rousseau (Declined) | HNTB DC Jon Whitney (Declined) ADDED Via Amendment 1 Cube Root Corp Omar Stephenson, President | Rummel Klepper Kahl Scott Crumley (Declined) ADDED Via Amendment 1 HDR Engineering Thomas Perry Thomas.perry@hdrinc.com | Johnson Mirmiran Thompson Gerad Baxter | KCI Associates Jeff Tan (Declined) ADDED Via Amendment 1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Adrienne Ameel, P.E., Project Manager (Declined) | ||||
21 | Cat B – Bicycle & Pedestrian Studies, Planning, & Design | Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Design and Traffic Analysis | VHB Metro DC, LLC Mark Colgan | Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP James Guinther (declined) | Kimley-Horn Adrienne Ameel adrienne.ameel@kimley-horndc.com (declined) | Rummel Klepper Kahl Scott Crumley (declined) | Toole Design Group Jennifer L. Toole Fehr & Peers, DC Alex Rixey (declined) | ||||
22 | Cat D CMSI | Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Gap and Safety | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel (declined) | McKissack & McKissack of WDC Deryl McKissack (declined) | Prime AE Group Kumar Buvanendaran (decline) ADD Bel-Star, Inc. Ozzie Belcher ofbelcher@belstar.com | ADD Cube Root Omar Stephenson omar@cuberootinc.com | ADD Alpha Corporation James McVeigh james.mcveigh@alphacoporation.com | ||||
23 | Cat D CMSI | Rehab of I395 (Rochambeau) Bridge over the Potomac River | Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. Mike Good jgood@ccjm.com | Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP James Guinther | Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Carol Holland | Sheladia & Associates Robert Nothstein rnothstein@sheladia.com | |||||
24 | Cat D CMSI | Construction Management for Garfield Park Canal Connector | Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. Gerard A. Baxter | PRIME AE Group, Inc. Kumar Buvanendaran (declined) | WSP Mugdha Tipnis Mugdha.Tipnis@wsp.com | Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. Gerard A. Baxter | |||||
25 | Cat D CMSI | Connecticut Ave Streetscape and Deckover | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel lmehiel@amtengineering.com | Hayat Brown LLC Hayat Kelil Brown hayat.brown@hayatbrown.com | AECOM Technical Services Sean Rousseau sean.rousseau@aecom.com | McKissack & Mckissack Michael Carter michael.carter@mckinc.com | Whitney Bailey Cox & Magnani Joe O'Neil joneil@wbcm.com | ||||
26 | Cat E Traffic Engineering Services | Vision Zero Traffic Safety Conceptual Design Support | Sam Schwartz Jeff Smithline | McCormick Taylor Ray Bernardo rzbernardo@mccormicktaylor.com (declined) | Fehr and Peers Kwasi Donkor | Parsons Transportation Group Ronaldo Nicholson (added) Declined | Kittelson and Associates Alek Pochowski (added) | ||||
27 | Cat A Roadway Design | Anacostia Riverwalk Trail (ART) Neighborhood Access | EXP U.S. Services Amir Arab amir.arab@exp.com | PRIME AE Group, Inc. Ken Bergman Kumar Buvanendaran | STV Incorporated Scott Lovell scott.lovell@stvinc.com | ||||||
28 | Cat D CMSI | Construction Management Services for Pennsylvania and Potomac Ave Intersection Improvements | Daniel Consultants, Inc. Manzur Elahi | Rummel Klepper & Kahl, LLP Scott Crumley | Volkert Engineering, PC Keith Weakley keith.weakley@volkert.com | ||||||
29 | Cat A Roadway Design | Stormwater Retrofits Phase II | Parsons Transportation Group Ronaldo Nicholson | Atkins North America Arthur Jones-Dove | T.Y. Lin International James Gregg | ||||||
30 | Cat B – Bicycle & Pedestrian Studies, Planning, & Design | Strategic Bikeways Plan | Mead &Hunt Ziad Sabra | Toole Design Group Jennifer L. Toole | Kimley-Horn Adrienne Ameel | ||||||
40 | Cat A Roadway Design | Bladensburg Road Multimodal Safety and Access Roadway Design | Gannett Fleming Engineering & Architects, PC Shawtof | Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. Baxter, Jerry | Timmons Group Vince Doherty | ||||||
41 | Category F – Transportation Planning Studies | Roadway Pavement Condition Assessment | A Morton Thomas Laura Mehiel (Declined) Daniel Consultants S. Manzur Elahi (Declined) Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC Jeff Smithline (Declined) | Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Muhammed Khalid (Declined) Michael Baker International Scott M. Wardle, Whitman Requardt James Guinther (Declined) | Parsons Transportation Group Ronaldo Nicholson (Declined) Nelson Nygard Christopher Forinash (Declined) Kimley-Horn Adrienne Ameel adrienne.ameel@kimley-horndc.com (Declined) | Kittelson and Associates Alek Pochowski (Declined) EXP U.S. Services Amir Arab | ICF, Incorporated LLC Amy Bezdek (Declined) HNTBDC Jon Whitney (Declined) | ||||
42 | Cat G- Program Management | Strategic Fleet Electrification Plan | VHB Metro DC, LLC Mark Colgan, PE, DBIA | Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Muhammed Khalid, PE | Alpha Construction and Engineering Corporation Kathleen Linehan (Declined) | ||||||
43 | Cat B – Bicycle & Pedestrian Studies, Planning, & Design | Neighborhood Livability Study Support | Fehr & Peers, DC Eric Womeldorff | Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP. Scott Crumley (Declined) | STV Incorporated Scott Lovell | Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP James Guinther (Declined) | VHB Metro DC Mark Colgan (Declined) | ||||
44 | Cat D CMS&I | Penn Ave West Streetscape | Century Engineering, LLC Anthony Fracarella | Hill International, Inc. Mike Mologne Declined | McCormick Taylor, Inc. Ray Z Bernardo rzbernardo@mccormicktaylor.com Declined | Prime AE Group Kumar Buvanendaran Declined add Kumi Construction Management Charles Kumi ckumi@kumicm.com | Gannett Flemming Steven Hawtof add Jacobs Engineering Group Muhammad Khalid muhammed.khalid@jacobs.com | ||||
Option Period 1 | |||||||||||
45 | Cat A Roadway Design | Biennal Culvert Inspection | Jon Whitney HNTB | James Gregg TY Lin | Laura Mehiel AMT | ||||||
46 | Cat A Roadway Design | Drainage & Stormwater Improvement Design | Adrienne Amell Kimley-Horn DC | Scott Crumley RKK | Sean Rousseau AECOM | ||||||
47 | Cat G Program Management | Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) | Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP | Alpha Corporation michelle.parker@alphacorporation.com; kathleen.linehan@alphacorporation.com DECLINED ADDED via Amendment 1 WSP P.C. | HDR Engineering quint.english@hdrinc.com; andrea.ryon@hdrinc.com; Nancy.Connor@hdrinc.com | Jacobs Engineering Group Inc ginny.ohara@jacobs.com; muhammed.khalid@Jacobs.com DECLINED ADDED via Amendment 1 Gannett Fleming Engineering & Architects, PC | Parsons Transportation Group haroon.ahmed@parsons.com; ronaldo.nicholson@parsons.com DECLINED ADDED via Amendment 1 Michael Baker International DECLINED | ||||
48 | Cat D CMS&I | Improvement of Pennsylvania Ave., SE and Minnesota Ave., SE Intersection Project - Construction Management Firm | Daniel Consultants, Inc. Manzur Elahi | Hill International, Inc. Mike Mologne | Precision Systems Allen Yang | ||||||
49 | Cat G Program Management | Site Planning Services - Streatery Program | Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. | Gannett Fleming Engineering & Architects, PC DECLINED | SZ PM Consultants, Inc | Cube Root Corp Omar Stephenson, President DECLINED |