Previous TRB Meetings

Previous TRB Meetings

What has DDOT (and DC Government) presented at previous TRB Annual Meetings?

YearSessionTypeSession TitlePaper/Topic/RoleDC Presenters



Are You All Really Paddling in the Same Direction: Creating Effective Organizational Alignment and Performance Management

How Organizational Alignment Works in Other SectorsMatthew Ries, DC Water
20201047WorkshopCross-Cutting Issues in Urban Congestion PricingWashington DC’s Parking and Congestion Pricing ProgramSoumya Dey
20201288LecternTransportation Equity from the Director's PerspectivePanelistJeff Marootian
20201357PosterIntersection Safety in FocusEstimate of the Safety Effect of All-Way Stop Control Conversion: A Case Study in Washington D.C.Zuxuan Deng
2020--Committee MeetingTransportation Issues in Major CitiesChairStephanie Dock
20201432LecternFitting It All in: Urban Transportation ChallengesCurbside Reimagined: Repurposing the District’s Curbside Dynamically in the Networked Mobility AgeBenito Perez, David Lipscomb, Benjamin Eskin (intern), Emilda Gwerengwe (intern)
20201482PosterTransportation Asset Management in ActionLeveraging Data and Technologies for Better Road Paving Performance Management: A Case Study of PaveDC in Washington, D.C.Ting Ma
20201661LecternThe Future of Workforce Development Through Practice Ready ExamplesReimaging a Sustainable, Resilient Workforce for Curbside Management in Washington, DCBenito Perez, Maxwell Whetsone (intern)

Micromobility Poster Session: Planning, Policy, and User Behavior for Shared Bikes and Scooters

Analysis of the Effects of Urban Form on Dockless Bike-share and Scooter-share Systems Usage; the Case of Washington, D.C.Stefanie Brodie (formerly DDOT), Kiana Roshan Zamir (intern)
WorkshopWhat’s that on the sidewalk?!? Safety issues, mobility benefits and policy issues of emerging transportation devicesPanelistKimberly Lucas
20191201LecternTrends in Public Transportation Ridership and DemandEstimating the Impacts of Capital Bikeshare on Metrorail Ridership in the Washington Metropolitan AreaTing Ma
20191206LecternManaging Curbspace Access in an Increasingly Congested Urban EnvironmentDemystifying Urban Curbside Freight Management: A Strategic Incremental Approach from Washington, DCSoumya Dey, Benito Perez, Stephanie Dock
20191218PosterCollecting and Analyzing Pedestrian and Bicyclist DataComparative Analysis of User Behavior of Dock-Based and Dockless Bikeshare and Scootershare in Washington, D.C., Metropolitan AreaStefanie Brodie, Kimberly Lucas
20191289PosterParking PotpourriYellow Brick Road-Map to Demand-Based Parking Pricing: Findings from Washington, D.C.

Soumya Dey, Stephanie Dock, Benito Perez

20191243LecternHow Agency Culture is Transforming with the Use of Performance MeasuresModeratorTing Ma
20191552PosterMaking Transportation Research Smart, Sustainable, and Equitable Through Libraries, Information, and DataCreating Community Engagement and Public Access: Digitizing DOT Historical CollectionsKathleen Crabb
20191570PosterManaging Fleets to Optimize Service, Ensure Accessibility, and Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsA Transportation Asset Inventory and Transition Planning Tool for Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance in Washington, DCCesar Barreto
20191583LecternEyes Wide Open: Drivers of Change in TransportationPanelistStefanie Brodie
20191661LecternEvolving Methods of Measuring Transportation System PerformanceModeratorStephanie Dock
20191499PosterBicycle Transportation ResearchPortraying and Differentiating Profiles and Preferences of Casual Users and Registered Members of Capital BikeshareKimberly Lucas
20191745PosterFresh Ideas in Statewide Multimodal Transportation PlanningIntegrating Equity into Performance-based Planning and Programming through Target SettingStefanie Brodie
20191776PosterTransportation Issues and Solutions in Major CitiesTowards a More Accessible Curbside: Opportunities and Challenges with Accessible Metered Parking in Washington, D.C.Benito Perez
2018159WorkshopSuccessful Near-Urban Redevelopment Strategies for Improving Environment and TransportationChallenges and Opportunities with Renewal, Transportation, and the Environment in the D.C. Metro AreaDan Emerine
2018197LecternIf You Price It, Will They Come?If You Price It, Will They Change? Assessing the Effects of Demand-Based Parking Pricing on Customer Behavior in Washington, D.C.Soumya Dey, Benito Perez,  Stephanie Dock
2018298LecternE-Commerce May Double the Number of City Truck Trips by 2022: How to Create a Truck Load–Unload Space Network to Efficiently and Safely Deliver GoodsNew Washington DC Interactive Database of Curbside Loading ZonesLaura Richards
2018337LecternTransportation Agency Data Governance and Open Data EffortsPanelistBarney Krucoff (Office of the Chief Technology Officer)
2018396PosterCutting-Edge Bikeshare ResearchPioneering a State of Good Bikeshare Repair: Defining Asset Management Processes for the District's Capital Bikeshare SystemBenito Perez, Kimberly Lucas
2018399LecternEmerging Policies in City TransportationSensors and the City: Urban Challenges for Parking Occupancy Detection and PricingSoumya Dey, Benito Perez
2018454PosterTransportation Safety Management: Start to FinishMeet Me at the Crosswalk on the Way to School: A Data-Driven Analysis on School Crossing Guard Deployment and Program Effectiveness in Washington, D.C.Benito Perez, Rahul Jain, Soumya Dey, Dena Thweatt, David Koch
2018477LecternVision Zero at a Crossroads: Identifying Challenges and Developing Partnerships to Eliminate Traffic Deaths in the United StatesPanelistJonathan M. Rogers
2018500LecternBus System Operations, Tools, and TechnologyLarge-Scale Transit Signal Priority Implementation: District of Columbia's Path to SuccessWasim Raja, Mohammad Habib
2018565LecternState CEO Roundtable: State DOTs Harnessing All Modes to Move Everybody and EverythingPanelistJeff Marootian
2018--Committee MeetingTransportation HistoryParking Is for People: A History of Public Parking in Washington, D.C. (and Implications for Transportation Design Today)Chris Shaheen (Office of Planning), Ryan Westrom, Rebecca Schwartzman (intern)
2018781PosterCycling Safety and ComfortKeys to Connectivity: District of Columbia's Innovative Approach to Unlocking Low-Stress Bicycle NetworksDarren Buck, Stephanie Dock
2018859PosterSensing and Information Technology Innovation to Enhance Traffic Operation EfficiencyMeasuring Cruising for Parking in Washington, D.C., Using Dense, Ubiquitous AVI Sensor NetworksSoumya Dey, Stephanie Dock, Benito Perez
2017119WorkshopMultimodal Performance-Based Design: Which Was First, the Car or the Bicyclist?PanelistColleen Hawkinson
2017200LecternMethods and Tools for Collaboration in a New EraEnhancing Efficiency Through Information-Sharing Tools in a Public-Sector Environment: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lesson LearnedSoumya Dey, Jose Colon
2017207PosterSensing Technology Innovations in Multimodal TransportationHunt for Perfect Parking Occupancy Detection: Evaluation of Technologies and Their Ability to Address Urban ChallengesSoumya Dey, Benito Perez
2017284PosterTraffic Data Collection, Analysis, and ApplicationsExploring Social Traffic Data for Evaluating Urban Arterial CongestionJason Tao, Rakesh Nune
2017340LecternFacing Freight Gridlock in the City of the FutureUrban Goods Movement Sustainability in Washington, D.C.Laura Richards
2017355PosterInnovative Transportation Information, Data, and Library PracticesDigitizing the Transportation History of Washington, D.C.: Using Tumblr and Omeka to Showcase DDOT's Hidden CollectionsKathleen Crabb
2017361LecternGeospatial Innovations in TransportationPanelistJose Colon
2017485LecternNext-Generation ITS Projects and ChallengesWashington, D.C. Traffic Signal Data Sharing ProjectRakesh Nune
2017--Committee MeetingTunnels and Underground Structures CommitteeTunnel Implications of Decking Urban Roadways for Air Rights DevelopmentAidin Sarabi
2017551LecternMeasuring Urban MobilityData-Driven Urban Performance Measures: Case Study Application in the District of ColumbiaStephanie Dock
2017592LecternQuality of CyclingLow-Stress LTS: District of Columbia's Innovative Approach to Applying Level of Traffic StressDarren Buck, James Graham
2017579PosterEvaluating the Performance of Traffic Signal SystemsStrategic Approach for Enhancing Reliability of Traffic Signals in an Urban Environment Using Big Data Analytics: Case Study from Washington, D.C.Soumya Dey, Benito Perez, Rahul Jain
2017686LecternSay What? Communicating Performance Through the Lens of the CustomerAdvancing Urban Multimodal Transportation System Performance ManagementRyan Westrom
2017709PosterGeospatial Data Acquisition Technologies in Design and ConstructionExtracting Urban Street Features Using Street Level LIDAR Data for Connected Vehicle ApplicationsJason Tao, Rakesh Nune
2017742PosterLaw Enforcement & Traffic SafetyEvaluation of the Use of Registration Stickers on Vehicle License PlatesAidin Sarabi
2017830PosterTransportation Demand Forecasting Poster Mega-Session, Part 2A Multimodal Trip Generation Model to Assess Impacts of Urban Developments in District of ColumbiaRyan Westrom, Stephanie Dock, Jamie Henson
2017852PosterBicyclist Travel BehaviorMind the Gap: Assessing the Impacts of Bicycle Accessibility and Mobility on Mode Share in Washington, D.C.Benito Perez, Darren Buck, Kimberly Lucas
2017898WorkshopActive Transportation Operation and Demand Management in Connected and Automated Traffic Systems: Data Collection and Analytics, Modeling, and ControlUsing Connected Vehicle Infrastructure for Improving Traffic Operations and Demand ManagementJason Tao, Rakesh Nune
2016134WorkshopToward Automation of Surface Transportation Networks Opportunities and ChallengesConnected and Autonomous Vehicles- The Urban ViewSoumya Dey
2016106WorkshopBringing Extraordinary Data to Your Everyday WorkBig Data Analytics and Visualization for Policy and Program Evaluation-Parking Case Studies from Washington, D.C.Benito Perez, Laura Richards
2016250PosterCongestion Pricing and Managed Lanes Case StudiesparkDC: Penn Quarter and Chinatown--Sustainable Approach to Performance Pricing for Parking in Washington, D.C.Soumya Dey, Stephanie Dock, Evian Patterson
2016243PosterState Department of Transportation High-Value ResearchTrip Generation Data Collection in Urban AreasStephanie Dock, Jamie Henson, Jonathan D. Rogers, Ryan Westrom, Anna Chamberlin
2016286LecternCurrent Research on Bus Rapid Transit and Operations TechnologyApplication of Bus-Only Lanes in Downtown Washington, D.C.: Concurrent Versus Contraflow Bus LanesCirce Torruellas
2016283LecternToward Zero Deaths Policies in Action at Local and Regional LevelsD.C. Vision Zero: Implementing TZD in the District of ColumbiaJonathan M. Rogers
2016259LecternWho Makes it Happen in Transportation? Historical Look at the Role of Public-and Private-Sector Actors in Transportation Decision MakingGetting Kids Off the Street: The Chicago Motor Club's Play Yard Contest and the Provision of Play SpaceStephanie Dock
2016379PosterInnovations in Urban Transportation DataToward a More Meterless Parking System: User Demographic Factors Influencing Adoption and Usage of Pay-by-Cell Services in Washington, D.C.Benito Perez, Soumya Dey, Yiwei Ma (intern)
2016533PosterPreparing, Planning, and Assessing Readiness of the Next Generation of Intelligent Transportation SystemsAsset-Lite Parking: Using Big Data Analytics to Develop Sustainable Smart Parking Solutions in Washington, D.C.Soumya Dey, Stephanie Dock
2016568LecternSenior Mobility Research: Individual and Community-Based PerspectivesAge-Friendly Washington, D.C.: The Transportation DimensionStephanie Dock, Soumya Dey, Tanya Allen (intern), Nick Kushner (Age-Friendly DC), Gail Kohn (Age-Friendly DC)
2016590PosterTraffic Control Devices ResearchTo Demarcate or Not to Demarcate" On-Street Parking Spaces: Analytical ApproachSoumya Dey, Stephanie Dock
2016654PosterRegional Transportation Systems Management and OperationsFramework for Assessing Effectiveness of Peak-Hour Parking Restrictions: Case Study from Washington, D.C.Gregg Steverson, Soumya Dey, Stephanie Dock
2016654PosterRegional Transportation Systems Management and OperationsWork-Zone Management in the District of Columbia: Deploying a Citywide Transportation Management Plan and Work-Zone Project ManagementTrey Dickerson
2016674LecternMillennials and Our Connected Multimodal Future, Part 2: Future Directions for Transportation PracticePanelistStephanie Dock
2016712PosterTransportation and Land DevelopmentEstimating Parking Utilization in Multifamily Residential Buildings in Washington, D.C.Jonathan D. Rogers, Ryan Westrom, Dan Emerine (OP)
2016749LecternNew Approaches for Urban DataBig Data Analytics Driving Parking Policy: Evaluating Meter Time Limit Adherence in Washington, D.C.Benito Perez, Soumya Dey, Amy Liang (intern), Heather Haney (intern), Jasmin Kim (intern)
2016831LecternBreaking Down Barriers: Funding and Finance Issues and Innovations in Public Transportation Modes Streetcar Named Desired: Issues in Funding Streetcar ProgramsLeif Dormsjo
2015103WorkshopHitting the Ground Running: Choosing and Navigating a Successful Career Path—A Workshop for Young and New Transportation ProfessionalsPanelistJamie Henson
2015185WorkshopThe Evolution of On-Demand Transport: Taxis, Transportation Network Companies, and the Implications of New TechnologiesPanelistRon Linton (DCTC)
2015371PosterNot Your Mother's Parking Meter: Parking in the 21st Centurydelineating and justifying a performance parking zone using metricsBenito Perez
2015371PosterNot Your Mother's Parking Meter: Parking in the 21st Centuryimplications of changing dynamics for metered on-street parkingSoumya Dey, Stephanie Dock, Evian Patterson
2015444PosterIncident Managementusing social media data for traffic incident detection and managementJason Tao, Rakesh Nune
2015433PosterStrategic Managementusing performance management to improve service delivery in the digital ageSoumya Dey, Jose Thommana, Stephanie Dock
2015441PosterPublic InvolvementD.C. Circulator Transit Development PlanCirce Torruellas
2015--Committee MeetingTransportation Issues in Major U.S. Cities new methodology to gather multimodal trip generation dataStephanie Dock, Jonathan D. Rogers, Jamie Henson
2015528PosterTransportation Issues and Solutions in Major Cities new methodology to gather multimodal trip generation dataStephanie Dock, Jonathan D. Rogers, Jamie Henson
2015669LecternParking: Getting the Prices RightModeratorBenito Perez

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