PE Exam: The Basics

Before taking the PE exam you must have completed:

  • your 4 year degree
  • 2-4 years of work under a licensed PE 
  • Have passed the FE exam
  • Then you are ready for the PE!

The exam is offered twice a year in April and October 

There are several different variations of the PE exam (most of the books in our growing collection focus on the civil exam, but we do have one each for the structural and electrical/computer exams. If there's a book you think we need (or one we need more copies of) let us know and we will do our best to add them to the collection:

  • Civil
  • Chemical
  • Electrical and Computer
  • Environmental
  • Mechanical
  • Power Reference 
  • Structural

Some basic facts about the test:

  • It's 8 hours with an afternoon and morning session (80 questions in its entirety) 
  • It's open book 
  • You should bring a calculator

Some useful links!

Check out more about our PE Exam sharing policy below!