James Graham (Deactivated)
March 18, 2022
Chairperson Amber Gove
1351 A St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
NOI# 22-95 PSD
Re: Roadway Pattern Modification of North Carolina Ave NE from 13th NE to 14th Street NE
Dear Chairperson Gove,
Pursuant to the “Administrative Procedure Amendment Act of 2000” D.C. LAW 13-249 (48 DCR
3491 April 20, 2001), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give a
written notice of our intent (NOI) to modify traffic and/or parking requirements. This letter is being
forwarded to you for the purpose of notification and solicitation of comments on our intent to
implement the following in your jurisdiction:
DDOT proposes to modify the roadway pattern for North Carolina Avenue to a one-way westbound
pattern with protected bike lanes, modified geometry at the 13th and 14th Street intersections,
installing a raised mid-block crosswalk, and modifying parking to be outside planned bike lanes in
the configuration shown on the attached plans. Five parking spaces will be added along 13th Street,
and five spaces will be removed along North Carolina Ave in order to include the raised crossing
and adjust the intersection geometries.
DDOT’s reasoning for this change is to match the protected bike lanes and roadway changes
currently being installed on the C Street NE project, to improve overall neighborhood safety in
accordance with our mandate to eliminate fatal crashes by 2024, and to advance the citywide goal
to plan and build a network of protected bike facilities.
All comments on this subject matter must be filed in writing by May 2nd, 2022 (thirty business days
after the date of this notice), with the District Department of Transportation, Transportation
Operations Administration, 250 M Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003. If you would like to check
the status of this Notice of Intent (NOI), please visit DDOT’s website at If you are having any trouble accessing
the NOI site or are unable to do so, please contact the DDOT Customer Service Clearinghouse at
Will Handsfield
Bicycle Program Specialist
DDOT, Planning & Sustainability Division
CC: Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council of the District of Columbia
Kevin Pham, Mayor’s Office of Community Relations & Services
Jen Demayo, Constituent Services Director for Councilmember Allen
Kelly Jeong-Olsen, Community Engagement Manager, DDOT
Language Access Statement
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is committed to ensuring that no person is
excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, its projects, programs, activities, and
services on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability as provided by Title VI
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act and other related statutes. In
accordance with the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, D.C. Official Code sec. 2-1401.01 et
seq. (Act), the District of Columbia does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived: race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political
affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, status as a victim of an intrafamily
offense, or place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which
is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is
prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in a violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be
subject to disciplinary action.
If you need special accommodations or language assistance services (translation or interpretation)
please contact Cesar Barreto at 202-671-2829 or
If you need language assistance services (translation or interpretation), please contact Karen
Randolph at 202-671-2620 or
About this NOI
Description | North Carolina Ave NE Protected Bike Lane and Safety Project |
Ward | 6 |
ANC | 6A |
Date Issued | |
Comments Due By |
Contact for Comments | |
Status | OPEN |
What does 'Status' mean?
= This NOI is active and open for public comment.
CLOSED = The comment period for this NOI has passed. The information is still displayed here, but no longer available for public comment.
Can I get a copy of the original, published Notice of Intent?
Yes! The published NOI should be available for download at the bottom of the page in the 'Files' section. If it isn't present, please send a comment email to the contact above.
File | Modified | |
21 Mar, 2022 by James Graham (Deactivated) | ||
21 Mar, 2022 by James Graham (Deactivated) |