James Graham (Deactivated)
NOI # 21-196-PSD
Re: Notification for the Installation of Contraflow Bike Lanes on 2800 – 3100 blocks of Dumbarton St NW
Dear Commissioner Lohse and Commissioner Palmer,
Pursuant to the “Administrative Procedure Amendment Act of 2000” D.C. LAW 13-249 (48 DCR 3491 April 20, 2001), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give a written notice of our intent to install contraflow bike lanes on the 1800 – 3100 blocks of Dumbarton St NW within ANC 2E. This letter is being forwarded to you for the purpose of notification and solicitation of comments on our intent to implement the following in your jurisdiction.
DDOT proposes to:
- Install a contraflow bike lane and sharrows on 2800 – 3100 blocks of Dumbarton St
- Modify parking to conform to the current DDOT design and engineering manual (DEM) standards. This typically means ensuring setback of parking from crosswalks and alleys complies with our design and engineering manual (40’ from the curb line of the intersecting street, 5’ from entrances to alleys, 10’ from the center of fire hydrants) to preserve sightlines between drivers and people crossing the street.
The existing conditions of these blocks is a single 16’ one way travel lane with 7’ parking zones on both sides of the street. The proposed condition is to install a 5’ contraflow bike lane in the opposite direction, a 1’ double yellow centerline, install shared lane markings (sharrows) in the 10’ vehicular lane, while retaining 7’ parking lanes on both sides of the street.
This project is an important step in expanding the bike lane network, now also used by scooters and other personal mobility devices. This facility will help create an alternate route to M Street NW for some travelers.
We anticipate the following benefits:
- Expanded biking / scooter route options for people traveling in and through the area
- Reduction of conflicts between drivers and bikeway users
- Reduction of sidewalk conflicts between people walking and people on bikes/scooters
- Reduction of vehicular travel speeds
- Improved safety due to reduction of existing conflicts
All comments on this subject matter must be filed in writing, no later than September 10th, 2020, fifty (30) business days after the date of this notice, with the District Department of Transportation Planning and Sustainability Division, 250 M Street, SE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC, 20003 or via email at If you would like to check the status of this Notice of Intent (NOI), please visit DDOT’s website at In addition, if you have questions, have trouble accessing the NOI site or are unable to do so, please contact me at 202-705-7845.
Will Handsfield
Bicycle Program Specialist
Planning & Sustainability Division
Cc: Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council of the District of Columbia
Brian Romanowski, Constituent Services Coordinator, Councilmember Brooke Pinto
George Branyan, Active Transportation Branch Manager, DDOT
Andrew DeFrank, Ward 2 Community Engagement Specialist, DDOT
About this NOI
Description | Dumbarton St NW Contraflow Bike Lanes |
Ward | 2 |
ANC | 2E |
Date Issued | |
Comments Due By | |
Contact for Comments | |
Status | OPEN |
What does 'Status' mean?
OPEN = This NOI is active and open for public comment.
CLOSED = The comment period for this NOI has passed. The information is still displayed here, but no longer available for public comment.
Can I get a copy of the original, published Notice of Intent?
Yes! The published NOI should be available for download at the bottom of the page in the 'Files' section. If it isn't present, please send a comment email to the contact above.