Streets and Roadways
Streets and Roadways
- Former user (Deleted)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
04 Mar, 2022
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DDOT has adopted a Functional Street Classification Plan based on traffic volumes, land use, and expected growth. Each classification has design criteria that maintains and protects the primary purpose of the roadway. The five functional highway systems are:
- Freeways
- Principal arterials (streets)
- Minor arterials (streets)
- Collector streets
- Local streets
Procedures & Services
Residents may request pothole and street repair services by calling the Mayor's Citywide Call Center at 311 or by completing a service request using 311 Online.
All private roadways connecting to DDOT maintained public roads shall be constructed to DDOT's standards, if the roadways are to be dedicated to the District.
Energy Savings Initiatives - Warm Asphalt
See Related
Page:Streetscape (COMP0304)
Page:Streets and Roadways (COMP0304)
Page:Green Alleys (COMP0304)
Page:Alley Closures (COMP0304)
Page:Alleys (COMP0304)
Additional Information