

Content Disclaimer

  • DDOT has provided a number of links to external sources in the DDOT Compendium as a courtesy, and is not responsible for information on websites outside of the DC portal. Any inquiries about information from external links should be made to the sponsoring organizations.
  • In addition, some links provided on DC.Gov or other DC government websites may display vendor logos, banners, or similar identification. Such links are used for operational reasons only, and do not constitute or imply any endorsement of any vendor or its product.

Technical Disclaimer

  • The DDOT Compendium has been built using Atlassian Confluence 6.13.7. While the site is compatible with popular internet browsers on both desktop computers and mobile devices, using those browsers may cause occasional issues with the site's display or functionality.

  • Most of the documents in the Compendium are presented in Portable Document Format (PDF), and require a PDF reader for viewing.


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