2021-04-07 DDOT-HU Meeting notes



Discussion items

  • If timeline on university solicitation pushes past current end date, will extend current contract
  • Invoices and close-out requests
    • Stephen is pushing things along - has brought it up to the CFO
    • Set up a meeting with financial team to go over the invoices
  • Interviews underway - started on Monday, hoping to wrap everything up next week
    • Struggling to attract candidates for a few positions, but Stephen has flagged PIs he knows in that area
    • Even though applicant pool is smaller, so far have encountered very good candidates
    • Intern interviewees - asking about how they'll connect with their team, not much about tech
  • OP interested in getting interns, unclear on timeline
  • DDOT prepping for virtual interns
    • updating manuals on remote work, get started early on IT requests
    • prepping managers to create connections with interns (coffee chat, team meetings)
    • Working with HR to set up speaker series if possible
    • Set up recurring social activities?
    • Make sure orientation emphasizes that they can come to us about issues large and small with integrating with the team
  • Tax Revenue and Telecommuting - Morgan State
    • In obligation on DDOT side
    • HU has completed paperwork, will send quote with their subcontracting included
  • Signal Analytics - UMD
    • Awaiting sign-off from signals group
    • HU can get paperwork together
  • ABLs
    • have not seen an invoice yet. Carol Gaskin should be preparing the invoice
    • Question about phase 2 timing - start back up sometime this summer
  • Freight Trip Gen
    • Final report FINALLY being finalized
  • NSF grant with Dr. Marin and Dr. Michael
    • Konnie identified two bridges going into construction eligible for long-term structural monitoring
    • Fluted light poles

Action items