d. Projects Forecast Home
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Track DDOT’s upcoming construction project and quarterly advertisement forecast in the table below. For additional information about our projects, please see our District Transportation Access Portal (DTAP) dashboard.
This website provides a forecast of DDOT’s upcoming construction projects. The official solicitations are posted on the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) Solicitation Listings. The government of the District of Columbia requires potential contractors to submit specific documents and certifications prior to the awarding of a contract. These required documents can be downloaded from the Solicitation Documents list.
Moreover, the Contracts and Procurement Transparency Portal recently launched as a public clearinghouse for all information related to the District Government’s contracting and procurement efforts.
Lastly, for answers to common questions, see the OCP eSourcing FAQs
The District Transportation Access Portal (DTAP) provides a wealth of performance data and project information in an easy to use online dashboard format. To view the data, go see our dashboard.
Beginning Jan 1, 2023, the new public facing Project Forecasting page will be hosted on the main DDOT website found at this address: https://ddot.dc.gov/page/project-forecasting. Consequently, the table that was hosted on this page is redundant and has been removed.
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Space contributors
- DDOT Webmaster (675 days ago)
- James Graham (Deactivated) (1084 days ago)