Editing and Updating Bike Lane Data

Editing and Updating Bike Lane Data

Adding new bike lanes

  1. Open up bike lane cross-section editor
  2. Set up your editor
    1. Check your snapping
      1. Calibration Points
      2. Roadway (edge, end, vertex)
      3. Street Intersection
    2. Load attribute set (add attribute set file to this page)
  3. Go to the location
  4. Click the Edit tab
  5. Select the route
    1. The road is highlighted, letting you know what road will be edited
  6. Select the begin point and end point
    1. This signifies the begin and end of where you'll edit bike lane data.
  7. View the best available aerial imagery to base your data entry upon (usually, this is Nearmap_
  8. Select sections to see if any edits are needed
  • Add Line, Single Yellow Dashed
  • Add Line, Single White Dashed
  • Add new Buffer: (Mike Goodno (Unlicensed)  - need follow up for complete list)
    • Wheelstops, Concrete
    • Wheelstops, Rubber
    • Wheelstops, Concrete w/Flexposts
    • Wheelstops, Rubber w/Bollards

Editing existing bike lanes

Removing bike lanes