Working with Signworks Catalog

Working with Signworks Catalog

Within Signworks Requests, Catalog is your one stop shop for both exploring available sign types (currently over 1900 unique types) and also updating the information about each sign.

Opening the Sign Catalog

  1. Login to Signworks Request
  2. Once logged in, click on the Signworks icon at the top.
  3. Select the Signworks Catalog symbol, as shown below:

  4. The Sign Catalog will load

Finding signs in Sign Catalog

The Catalog explorer gives you a number of ways to find specific signs.  Additionally, you have the ability to find signs with specific characteristics.

Finding specific signs

If you know the sign code or description (i.e., its MUTCD code), you can search Sign Catalog using the column filter boxes at the top:

  1. If you know the code, click in the 'Code' filter box and begin typing.
  2. A list of matches will display as you type.  When you see the the correct code, click it and the Sign Catalog record will be shown in the table.
  3. To view additional information or edit the sign, click on the 'Edit' button to the right of the table.

Filtering signs by category

Want to filter signs another way?  You have a number of ways to search and find other categories.  Simply use the other column filters to refine the listing of signs in Sign Catalog:

  • Parking (True/False)
  • SpeedLimit (True/False)
  • Non-standard (True/False)
  • Needs Timeband (True/False)
  • Needs Arrow (True/False)
  • Needs Approval (True/False)

Editing Signs

There are a number of characteristics (attributes) that signs can have.  In Sign Catalog, each of these can be edited.

  1. Code
    This is the unique code for a particular sign. 

    Note:  Sign Code can only be edited when first creating it.  Once created, it cannot be changed.

  2. Name (Description)
    This is the text name for the sign.  Any text shown on the sign should be included here
  3. Parking
    Indicates if this type of sign is a regulatory parking sign or not.
  4. Speed Limit
    Indicates if a sign requires an MPH value or not.
  5. Non Standard
    Indicates if the sign is a customized sign designed by DDOT (true)  or if it is part of the USDOT MUTCD reference (False)
  6. Needs Timeband
    Indicates if the sign requires a time and/or day.  This is known as 'Timeband' information in Signworks.
  7. Needs Arrow
    Indicates if the sign requires an arrow
  8. Needs Approval
    These are signs which require an approval from parking and/or safety.
  9. Help URL
    This is the reference hyperlink for additional information on this sign (if needed).  If this sign has specific policy or regulatory information, a link could be provided for background documentation/reference.  A good example would be the case of Residential Parking Permitted or RPP.
  10. Status
    This indicates if the sign is currently in-use and available for requests.  If a sign type is discontinued, users should change the status to 'Retired'
  11. Sizes
    These are the available sizes for fabrication.  As determined by FOB Sign Shop.  To add/remove available sizes, click in this space and select from the available dimensions
  12. Sign Image
    This is the example image of the sign.  To choose a different image, click in this space and choose a new sign image (must be in png or jpeg format)
  13. Flexi Sign
    If a Flexisign design file is available, it may be chosen from here.  Additional .flexi type files can be added.
  14. Update/Cancel
    To save or cancel any changes.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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