Documenting Issues

Documenting Issues


The Jira system was used in order to resolve centerline collection issues and questions. This communication was used most frequently at the beginning of data capture in order to determine best practices for data collection.

Linear Referencing Issues

             One outstanding issue was that the linear referencing for some sections was incorrect. For a very small subsect of linear sections, the “to” measure (or lowest measure) was in the incorrect position for the quadrant that the section was in. For example, when a roadway section was in the Northwest quadrant and was a North-South facing road, the “0” point should be at the southernmost point of that line in order for the inbound and the outbound to remain true. In the sections with flawed linear references the “0” point was in the North, making inbound and outbound untrue for that section (Fig 4). This flaw was found in a few roadway sections and in many of the alleyway and driveway sections. Sometimes this flaw appeared in roadway sections that began briefly in the correct direction, but overall were in the wrong direction (as roadways can often begin north-south and continue east-west). In these cases the roadway sections were still coded, using left to right from the lowest measure (to measure) as the rule. In cases where the entire linear reference of the roadway feature was incorrect, the roadway was coded as “Undefined.”

Figure 4: The linear referencing flaw

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