Standards and Manuals

Standards and Manuals


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Compendium lists policies and procedures for managing the District of Columbia's (District) transportation network and public space. The Standards and Manuals section of the DDOT Compendium contains a full list of all Standards and Manuals.

Standard Specifications for Highways and Structures

The Standard Specifications for Highways and Structures are standard for all DDOT contracts awarded by the Mayor of the District, the Council of the District, and/or the Contracting Officer. The Standard Specifications shall also be used for all the construction activities and material control within the Public Space of the District.

Standard Drawings 

The Standard Drawings are intended to complement the Standard Specifications for Highways and Structures. These publications are the engineering drawings for highways and structures in the District.



2020 Revisions


Standard Drawings

Design and Engineering Manual 

The Design and Engineering Manual consists of three parts: PART I – Process and Procedures, PART II – Project Development and PART III – Engineering and Design. It defines the policies, procedures, and requirements for the benefit of all parties in order to develop and construct safe, efficient, sustainable and easily maintained projects.

Bridge Inspection Manual

This manual has been prepared to assist the DDOT and its Consultants in the inventory, inspection, appraisal, and load rating of bridges under the District's jurisdiction in accordance with the Manual for Bridge Evaluation published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The program detailed in this manual will help implement the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) as issued by FHWA.


Bridge Inspection Manual

Construction Management Manual

The purpose of the Construction Management manual is to establish standard operating procedures, provide guidelines to DDOT’s engineers, construction managers (DDOT personnel and consultants), and personnel engaged in contract administration and promote uniformity and efficiency.

2021Construction Management Manual

Environmental Manuals 

This manual has been prepared for use by DDOT staff and their consultants in developing projects to be consistent with local and federal environmental requirements and DDOT Environmental Policy.

Green Infrastructure Manual

The sections provided in this manual are to supplement the existing Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications for Highways and Structures. Please refer to the 2019 Design and Engineering Manual for updated information that supersedes the sections found in this document related to the Design and Engineering Manual (D-1 – 27).

MicroStation V8 CAD Standards Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide a guide on the sequence of operations for using MicroStation V8 SS2 at DDOT, catering to all Offices and Divisions. The DDOT Standards and Workspace mirror the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) Standards and Workspace, the CAD Manual will also be updated as major updates or changes occur in the MDOT SHA CAD standards or workspace.

2005CAD Manual

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)

The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) is a document issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to specify the standards by which traffic signsroad surface markings, and signals are designed, installed, and used.

2023MUTCD 11th Edition

Public Realm Design Manual

This reference manual is a comprehensive review of the District’s public space policies and regulations. It will help business owners, developers, and residents better understand the appropriate use of public space, as well as assist government agencies that evaluate requests for waivers from public space regulations.


Public Realm Design Manual

Railroad Manual

Currently under development.

Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Manual

Currently under development.

Right of Way Manual

The following Right-of-way (ROW) policies and procedures are intended to establish a fair and efficient process for completing ROW acquisitions and transfers, consistent with federal and local regulations.

2019Right of Way Manual

Sidewalk Guidelines