
The District encourages restaurants and other qualifying businesses to, wherever feasible, open sidewalk cafés. Since sidewalks are primarily intended for pedestrians as part of the city's transportation network, DDOT reviews sidewalk café applications to ensure that they are welcoming and safe additions to city streets.

Generally, the design of sidewalk cafés should:

  • be compatible with the architectural qualities of the adjoining buildings, and
  • complement the street movement.

DDOT discourages the design of sidewalk cafés that:

  • impede safe and efficient pedestrian passage; or
  • enclose the café in a manner that effectively transforms it into indoor floor space. 

Procedures & Services

DDOT reviews sidewalk café applications to make sure minimum requirements for clear sidewalks and seating are followed. All public space permit applications should be processed through DDOT's Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPs).

Sidewalk Café Guidelines

See Related

Additional Information

Legal References

Design Standards & Specifications

Transportation Plans & Studies

  • n/a

Other Resources

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