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Government of the District of Columbia

Department of Transportation

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  Image RemovedPlanning & Sustainability Division

June 21, 2021

Commissioner Jeri Epstein
Chair, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2A
1111 23rd Street NW Apt. PH1F
Washington, DC 20037

Via Email:


nameNOI 21-171-PSD

Re: Installation of “No Parking 8AM-4PM School Days” along the north side of the 2100 block of G Street, NW

Dear Chairperson Epstein,

Pursuant to the “Administrative Procedure Amendment Act of 2000” D.C. LAW 13-249 (48 DCR 3491 April 20, 2001), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give a written notice of our intent to modify traffic and/or parking requirements. This letter is being forwarded to you for the purpose of notification and solicitation of comments on our intent to implement the following in your jurisdiction:

  • Removal of “Two-Hour Parking Limit in Zone 2 | 7:00AM – 8:30PM Monday-Saturday | Zone 2 Permit Holders Excepted”;
  • Installation of “No Parking 8:00AM-4:00PM School Days”
  • Installation of “Two-Hour Parking Limit in Zone 2 | 4:00PM-8:30PM Monday-Friday | Zone 2 Permit Holders Excepted”;
  • Installation of “Two-Hour Parking Limit in Zone 2 | 7:00AM-8:30PM Saturdays | Zone 2 Permit Holders Excepted”


Recently, DDOT installed a two-way protected bicycle facility on the south side of G Street, NW between 17th Street, NW and Virginia Avenue, NW. Resulting from this project, all curbside uses were removed from the south side of G Street, NW between 17th Street and Virginia Ave including a section of “No Parking 8:00AM-4:00PM School Days” in front of the School Without Walls High School (SWWHS). This section of curbside space was utilized by the school and parents to pick-up and drop-off students. The SWWHS community has requested that DDOT provide an alternative location for student pick-up and drop-off.

DDOT proposes to create a similar curbside space on the north side of the 2100 block of G Street, NW directly across from the SWWHS. The proposed curbside space is approximately 100 feet in length (5 parking spaces) and would replace the current two-hour parking/residential permit parking between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Two-hour parking/residential permit parking would be permitted outside of school days/hours.


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All comments on this subject matter must be filed in writing, no later than August 31, 2021, fifty-one (51) business days after the date of this notice, with the District Department of Transportation Planning and Sustainability Division, 250 M Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 or via email at  If you would like to check the status of this Notice of Intent (NOI), please visit DDOT’s website at If you are having any trouble accessing the NOI site or are unable to do so, please contact the DDOT Customer Service Clearinghouse at 202-671-2800.


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Karyn McAlister, AICP
Pedestrian and Bicycle Program Specialist
Planning and Sustainability Division

Language Access Statement

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, its projects, programs, activities, and services on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act and other related statutes. In accordance with the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, D.C. Official Code sec. 2-

1401.01 et seq. (Act), the District of Columbia does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, status as a victim of an intrafamily offense, or place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in a violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

If you need special accommodations or language assistance services (translation or interpretation) please contact Cesar Barreto at 202-671-2829 or

If you need language assistance services (translation or interpretation), please contact Karen Randolph at 202-671-2620 or


AYUDAENSUIDIOMASinecesita ayuda en Español, por favor llame al 202-671-2700 para proporcionarle un intérprete de manera gratuita.AVISOIMPORTANTEEstedocumentocontieneinformaciónimportante.Sinecesita ayuda en Español o si tiene algunapreguntasobre este aviso, por favor llame al 202-671-2620. Infórmele al representante de atención al cliente el idioma que habla para que le proporcione un intérprete sin costo para  usted. Gracias.AIDELINGUISTIQUE

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 Ce do cum ent co nt i ent des i nf o rmati o ns i mp o rtant es. Si vo us avez bes o in d’ai de en F rançai s o u

si vous avez des questions au sujet du présent avis, veuillez appeler le 202-671-2700. Dites au

 représent ant de s ervi ce quel l e l ang ue vo us parl ez et l ’as s i s tance d’un i nt erprète vo us s era fourniegratuitement.Merci. GIÚP Đ Ỡ VỀ NGÔN NGỮ Nếuquý vị cần gi úp đ ỡ về tiếng Việt, xin gọi 202-671-2 70 0 đ ể chúng tôi thu xếp có thông dị ch

 vi ên đ ến giúp quý vị miễn phí.

THÔNGBÁOQUANTRỌNGTàiliệu này có nhiều thông tin quan trọ ng. Nếu quý vị cần gi úp đ ỡ về tiếng Việt, hoặc có thắc  mắc bề thông báo này, xin gọ i 202-671-2700. Nói với ngư ời trả lời đi ện thoại là quý vị muố n nói  chuyện bằng tiế ng Việt đ ể chúng tôi thu xếp có thông dị ch vi ên đ ến giúp quý vị mà không tố n

 đ ồ ng nào. Xin cảm ơn.

 የቋንቋእርዳታ በአማርኛእርዳታለጉ202-671-2700 ይደውሉ።የነፃአስተርጓይመደብልዎታል። ጠቃሚማስታወ ይህሰነድጠቃሚመረጃይዟል።በአማርኛእርዳታለጉወይምስለዚህማስታወያቄለዎት202-671-  2700 ይደውሉ።የትኛውቋንቋእንደሚናገለደንበኞችአገግሎትወካይንገሩ።ያለምንምፍያ አስተርጓሚይመደብልዎታል።እናመግናለን 언어지원 한국어로언어지원이필요하신경우202-671-2700연락을주시면무료로통역이제공됩니다. 안내 안내문은중요한내용을담고있습니다. 한국어로언어지원이필요하시거나질문이있으실 경우202-671-2700연락을주십시오. 필요하신경우, 고객서비스담당원에게지원받고자 하는언어를알려주시면, 무료로통역서비스가제공됩니다. 감사합니다. 語言協助 如果您需要用(中文)接受幫助,請電洽202-671-2700, 將免費向您提供口譯員服務 重要通知 本文件包含重要資訊。如果您需要用(中文)接受幫助或者對本通知有疑問,請電洽202-671-  2700。請告訴客戶服務部代表您所說的語言,會免費向您提供口譯員服務。謝謝!

No Parking School Days.pdf

Page Properties

About this NOI

DescriptionNo Parking School Days
Date Issued

Comments Due By

Contact for


titleWhat does 'Status' mean?


= This NOI is active and open for public comment.

= The comment period for this NOI has passed. The information is still displayed here, but no longer available for public comment.

titleCan I get a copy of the original, published Notice of Intent?

Yes! The published NOI should be available for download at the bottom of the page in the 'Files' section. If it isn't present, please send a comment email to the contact above.


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