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Table of Contents


In order to make DDOT's LRS more useful to a variety of users, we create a variety of derivative data products to support a wide variety of usecases:


Each one of these usecases might rely on one or more of the below LRS data products:

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titlePreviously called Street Segments

For a city, street blocks are a very common way in which to organize and relate work (e.g. 'I need to fix a pothole on the 1600 Block of Pennsylvania Ave'). Although driveways or alleys may intersect streets, the Block segmentation requires that the segment remain unbroken.  A block will always begin at a street-to-street intersection and end at the next street-to-street intersection. 

Road Types included:

  • Streets

Segmentation Rules: 

  • Only Streets can break/segment other streets.
  • Only At-grade type intersections are respected in this segmentation.  See below for more information 

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Fig 3. Block Segment representation


titlePreviously called Roadway Segments

SubBlock represents the full extent of our centerline network.  SubBlock is the finest-grained, 'base' segment from which all other segmentation patterns can be constructed (including Blocks).  SubBlock is the original source features for our DDOT Street Centerlines data

Road Types included:

  • Streets (Code 1)
  • Alleys (Code 2)
  • Ramps (Code 3)
  • Service Roads (Code 4)
  • Trails (Code 5)
  • Driveways (Code 6)
  • Walkways (Code 7)

Segmentation Rules: 

  • Streets, alleys, ramps, service roads and trails can break all others roadway type segments.
  • At-grade type intersections are respected in this segmentation.  See below for more information 

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Fig 2. SubBlock Segment representation


Intersection Approach Segments

Intersection Approach Segments are short segments of the route that approach an intersection, in other words, a short section of the road leading up to an intersection.

Structure of Approach Segments

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3. Approach representation

Understanding Approach Intersection Direction


When paired with cross-section data, this attribute gives the ability to determine if sections or lanes are approaching or departing the intersection.  This may be especially important in safety analyses (such as LTS) which focus primarily upon lane and sections which are approaching (not departing) an intersection.  See Fig 3 4 for a graphic diagram.  

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Fig 34. Approach intersection direction






RouteIDUnique identifier of the route that this approach is onText11035552
ApproachIDUnique identifier of the Approach within the intersection (usually an integer value representation of the angle from the intersection).Short Integer270
SubBlockIDUnique identifier of the SubBlock that this approach is onText11035552-11035552_47054712-11035552_47053222
IntersectionIDUnique identifier of the intersection that this approach is onText11035552_47054712
FromMeasureThe begin measure of the approach (going in digitizing direction) along the routeFloat823.788
ToMeasureThe end measure of the approach (going in digitizing direction) along the routeFloat833.788
AngleRepresents the angle of the approach from the intersectionText (needs to be changed?)270.073777185517
DirectionalityRepresents the cardinal direction of the approach from the intersectionTextWest
RoadTypeRepresents the roadway type of this particular approachText1

This is a field which helps users determine "intersection approach lanes" with DDOT's Cross-section LRS data.  Since the approaches are built in the digitizing direction, this field records inbound/outbound "approach direction". 

  • 1 = Approach direction toward the intersection point is in the same direction that of the route's measure direction.  Cross-section lanes with a Lane_Dir of 1 are the approaching lanes.
  • 2 = Approach direction toward the intersection point is in the opposite direction to the route's measure direction.  Cross-section lanes with a Lane_Dir of 2 are the approaching lanes.
Short Integer2

Blockface Segments


Blockface Segments are unbroken sections of the curb. A blockface can be made up of several subblocks, or just one subblock. Blockfaces are directional, so there will be segments on both sides of the road, each dependent on an unbroken length of curb.

Blockface segments are one of the core elements of the ParkingZones, since

Fig 2. Blockface Segment representation

Blockface Attributes





ROUTEIDUnique identifier of the route that this blockface is onText11004002
SIDEWhich side of the route is this blockface on, when looking in digitizing directionTextLeft
MEAS_FROMWhat measure along the route does this blockface beginFloat658.141
MEAS_TOWhat measure along the route does this blockface endFloat787.455
BLOCKFACEKEYUnique identifier for each blockfaceText4d547f51f668a28e0b9a652852bcdcf5
OffsetOffset value to be able to visualize the blockfaces on a mapShort Integer-3



At Grade

titleTemporary Value

Generic code for indicating that the roads at this point intersect each other.

Not at Grade

Not at Grade is an overpass/underpass situation where the roads don't connect.
2UndefinedNot currently defined/categorized
10UncontrolledIntersection without signal or signs to stop traffic flow
11Two-way stopOne roadway is allowed to pass without stopping
12All-way stopAll roadways are required to stop before proceeding
13Signalized, Ped signalSignalized intersection with pedestrian signals
14Signalized, No Ped SignalSignalized intersection without pedestrian signals
15RR crossing, SignalizedSignalized railroad crossing
16RR crossing, Signs OnlyNon-signalized railroad crossing
17Yield SignIntersection with a yield sign


IntersectionRoutes is a 1-to-many related table to SubBlock Intersections.  For each SubBlock Intersection, IntersectionRoutes contains 2 or more records - one for every intersecting route occurring at that location.






Unique ID created by concatenating the ROUTEIDs that make up the intersection




The Unique ID for this particular route geometry



MeasureThe LRS m-value (in Meters) along this route at the point of intersection.Double213.113
