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Using This Site

This site will hold Task Order records that have been awarded, preliminary notifications of award, and general A/E statistics.

The Preliminary Notification Board will house the status of TO solicitations where the Source Selection Recommendation (SSR) has been received and the Most Highly Qualified offeror has been determined. This notification is not an indication of the final award decision. For more information on this process, see the FAQ.

Negotiations are conducted with the Most Highly Qualifiedfirm. In the unlikely event that the CO is unable to negotiate a fair and reasonable price with the MHQ firm, the District may commence negotiations with the next Most Highly Qualified firm.

These solicitations will still appear on the A/E TO home Page until a TO award has been made. 

Preliminary Notification Board

Category of A/E ServiceProject DescriptionFirm Determined MHQ
Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesRock Creek TRail Park Multi Use TrailHNTB
Cat D CM Services16th Street Bridge over Piney Branch- CANCELLEDWSP
Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesRehabilitation of Mass AveHNTB
Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesFloridaAve 9thto Barry PlaceRK&K
Cat D – Construction Engineering & Management ServicesInspection Services for the Biennial Culvert Inspection ProgramKCI Associates of DC, PC
Cat R Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure DesignStormwater Retrofits Planning and DesignStraughan Environmental
Cat C- Bridge DesignNew York Avenue Bridge over Anacostia Preliminary and Final DesignT.Y. Lin
Cat K Public Participation & PartneringCirculator Program Marketing, Outreach and Customer ServiceNspiregreenLLC
Cat A Roadway DesignCanal Road Slope StablilizationGannett Fleming
Cat R Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure DesignCleveland Park Drainage and Watershed ImprovementsVolkert Engineering, PC
Cat L – Bicycle and Pedestrian Studies, Planning and Design

Near Northwest III Livability Study

Kittelson & Associates

Cat L – Bicycle and Pedestrian Studies, Planning and Design

15th Street Bicycle Safety Improvements Design

Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. 

Cat F -Traffic Engineering (Ops & Safety)Highway Safety Improvement ProgramVHB
Cat A Roadway DesignDrainage and Stormwater ImprovementSabra and Associates
Cat J Transportation Research & TechnologyPedestrian and Cyclist Intersection Safety SandboxHNTB
Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesSafety and Geometric Improvements of I-295STV
Cat D Construction Engineering and Management Services16th Street Bus LanesParsons 

A/E IDIQ Award Statistics (Final)

Traffic Operations and Parking PlanA/E Awards

A/E Category Description

Project Description

Number of
Firms Solicited
Date Solicitation
was Transmitted
Date TO Award was MadeSuccessful Offeror NamePublished Award Document
1Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesConstruction of Fiber Optic Networks along Freeways34/23/20187/16/2018Whitman Requart and AssociatesAward Document
2Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesReconstruction of Hill East Water Front Phase 132/15/20187/18/2018Alpha CorporationAward Document
3Cat C Bridge DesignCity Wide on call Bridge Design Services3



Pennoni CorporationAward Document
4Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesRehabilitation of Anacostia Freeway Bridges (Nos. 1016 &1017) over South Capitol Street Construction Project



CES Consulting, LLCAward Document
5Cat O Right of WAYAssistance in Acquisition of Lots 804 and 812 in Square 8103



Rummel Klepper and KahlAward Document
6Cat A Roadway DesignPennsylvania Ave NW  Streetscape



Vanasse Hangen BrustlinAward Document
7Cat O Right of WayLot 5 Square 709 Florida Ave Multi Modal Transportation Project
Lot 5 Square



Johnson Mirmiran & ThompsonAward Document
8Cat L-Bicycle and Pedestrian StudiesPalisades Trolley and Foundry Feasibility Study and concept Plan project



Kittelson and AssociatesAward Document
9Cat E- Traffic Engineering (Streetlight and Traffic Signal Design)Traffic Signal Design Consultant



Sabra Wang Associates
Rummel Klepper and Kahl

Award Document

Award Document

10Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesParkside Access and Circulation Study



Parsons Transportation GroupAward Document
11 Cat F Traffic Engineering (Safety and Operations) Traffic Signal Systems Analysis 5



 Johnson Mirmiran & Thompson

Volkert Engineering

Award Document

Award Document

12Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesRock Creek East 1 Livability Study Project3



Rummel Klepper KahlAward Document
13Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesRock Creek Far West Livability Study3



Nspiregreen LLCAward Document
14 Cat U Program Management Regional, Multimodal Curbside Asset Management Services RFP Preparation Support 3



 AECOMAward Document
15 Cat D Construction Management Services Rehabilitation of East Capitol Street Bridge over Anacostia River 3



 Rummel Klepper and KahlAward Document
16Cat D Construction Management Services31st Street Bridge over C&O Canal5



Volkert EngineeringAward Document
17Cat A Roadway DesignDesign Services for Aspen Street NW project3



Precision Systems, Inc.Award Document
18Cat D Construction Management ServicesInstallation of CCTV on major arterials in the District3



Prime AE GroupAward Document
19Cat P ITS ServicesFY 18 ITS on-call support services3



M&J EngineeringAward Document
20Cat O Right of WayAcquisition, appraisal, relocation, environmental assessment and hazmat survey in Lot 10, Lot 84 and Lot 8194



Rummel, Klepper and KahlAward Document
21Cat P ITS ServicesSystem Design Upgrade and Repair to Weigh-in-Motion (WIM)3



HDR EngineeringAward Document
22Cat D Construction Management ServicesRehabilitation of New Jersey Ave NW from H Street to M Street5



Somat EngineeringAward Document
23Cat J Transportation Research and Technology TransferHighway Safety Administrative Support5



KLS EngineeringAward Document
24Cat C Bridge DesignOpen-end Engineering Services for Bridges and Structures3



WSP P.C.Award Document
25Cat N Roadway Pavement Marking AssessmentFY 18 Roadway Pavement Marking Assessment5



Applied ResearchAward Document
26Cat D Construction Management ServicesMaryland Ave from 2nd Street to 14th Street NE3



Cube Root CorporationAward Document
27Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesCapital Bikeshare Development Plan Update3



Kittelson & AssociatesAward Document
28Cat A Roadway Design30-100% Design of Florida Ave from 2nd Street NE to H Street NE and Florida Ave and New York Ave NE Intersection3



Johnson Mirmiran & ThompsonAward Document
29Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesConstruction Management, Inspections and Engineering Services during construction for the DC PLUG Feeder 308 Construction Project8



Kumi Construction ManagementAward Document
30Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesBlair Road/Cedar Street/4th Street NW Intersection Improvement project3



Parsons Transportation GroupAward Document
31Cat A Roadway DesignHydraulic Structures Design Improvements3



Wallace MontgomeryAward Document
32Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesStreetlight Upgrade of the Metropolitan Branch Trail between FLorida Ave and Franklin Street3



EBA EngineeringAward Document
33Cat L Bicycle and Pedestrian Studies, Planning & DesignBicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Design and Traffic Analysis3



Vanasse Hangen BrustlinAward Document
34Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesOregon Avenue NW from Military Road to Western Ave and Western Ave from Oregon to 31st St3



AECOMAward Document
35Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesI-395 Sign Structure Improvement3



RKKAward Document
36Cat F Traffic Engineering (Operations and Safety)Traffic Signal On-Site Support Services3



Kimley-HornAward Document
37Cat A Roadway DesignS Street Revitalization from 7th Street to Florida Ave3



A Morton ThomasAward Document
38Cat U Program ManagementRegional, Multimodal Payment & Data Aggregator/Mobility Wallet Services RFP Preparation Support6



AECOMAward Document
39Cat A Roadway DesignPennsylvania & Potomac Avenue Intersection Improvements3



Brudis & AssociatesAward Document
40Cat A Roadway DesignConstruction Cost Estimate review5



Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLPAward Document
41Cat A Roadway DesignChestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project3



Louis Berger DC LLCAward Document
42Cat F Traffic Engineering (Ops & Safety)Connecticut Avenue NW Reversible Lane Safety and Operations Study3



A Morton ThomasAward Document
43Cat D Construction Engineering and Management ServicesParkside Pedestrian Bridge3



TY Lin InternationalAward Document
44Cat A Roadway DesignEast Capitol Street Mobility and Safety Plan3



AECOMAward Document
45Cat Q Construction Materials TestingConstruction Materials Testing for City Wide Projects2



EBA EngineeringAward Document
46Cat D Construction engineering and Management ServicesRehab. of MLK Jr. Ave3



Quinn ConsultingAward Document
47Cat A Roadway Design30-100% design of Metropolitan Branch Trail from Fort Totten to Takoma NW3



Stantec Consulting ServicesAward Document
48Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesSafe Routes to School Planning Assistance3



Nelson/NygaardAward Document
49Cat C Bridge DesignRehab of Anacostia Bridges No. 78 and 473



PennoniAward Document
50Cat F – Traffic Engineering (Ops & Safety)Traffic Safety and Engineering - Systemic Analysis3



Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLCAward Document
51Cat C Bridge Design Appproach Bridges to 14th Street SW (Bridges Nos. 171-1,171-2,171-3,021,1134 and 1134A-1) Phase 23



HNTB District of Columbia, P.C.

Award Document

52Cat S Transit Consulting Technical ServicesBus Priority Plan and Program3



HNTB District of Columbia, P.C.Award Document
53Cat P Intelligent SystemsNetwork Consolidation Management3



Daniel ConsultantAward Document
54Cat I Transportation Planning StudiesMove DC3



RKKAward Document
55Cat D Construction Management ServicesGuiderails and Impact Attenuators (9 months)3



SheladiaAward Document
56Cat R Stormwater4 Watershed Designs3



ArcadisAward Document
57Cat F – Traffic Engineering (Ops & Safety)Traffic Operations and Parking Plan3



Century Engineering, Inc.Award Document